
Quench me, if you quench me, with a great cup

اسقني إن سقيتني بالكبير من

1. Quench me, if you quench me, with a great cup
Of delicious drink, not a small one,

١. اِسقِني إِن سَقَيتَني بِالكَبيرِ
مِن لَذيذِ الشَرابِ لا بِالصَغيرِ

2. Of matured wine which silence has hushed
For an epoch of time after prolonged murmuring,

٢. مِن مُدامٍ مُعَتَّقٍ أَخرَسَتهُ
حِقبَةُ الدَهرِ بَعدَ طولِ الهَديرِ

3. Babylonian, pure, feminine, bending
Now this way, now that, inclined to masculinity,

٣. بابِلِيٌّ صافٍ مُؤَنَّثَةٌ طَو
راً وَطَوراً تَهُمُّ بِالتَذكيرِ

4. In decanters of prostration like the water jars
Fearfully sheltering from the hawks,

٤. في أَباريقَ سُجَّدٍ كَبَناتِ ال
ماءِ أَقعَينَ مِن حِذارِ الصُقورِ

5. So when the cups circulated amongst us,
They blew into our noses the fragrance,

٥. فَإِذا ما الكُؤوسُ دارَت عَلَينا
قَذَفَت في أُنوفِنا بِالعَبيرِ

6. And with us was the refined son of Rabab,
Guardian of those who confess, an ocean of oceans,

٦. وَلَدَينا المُهَذَّبُ اِبنُ رَبابٍ
عِصمَةُ المُعتَفينَ بَحرُ البُحورِ

7. Fashioned by his Lord for generosity and forbearance
And whatever you wish of modesty and goodness.

٧. صاغَهُ رَبُّهُ عَلى الجودِ وَالحِل
مِ وَما شِئتَ مِن حَياءٍ وَخَيرِ