
Your tenderness! How beautiful loyalty is and its fragrance

حب ووفاء

1. Your tenderness! How beautiful loyalty is and its fragrance
When a soul and feelings spread it

١. حَنَانَيْك ! ما أَحْلى الوَفَاءَ وعِطْرَهُ
إِذا نَشَرَتْهُ مُهْجَةٌ وسَرَائِرُ

2. And how beautiful the days are when generosity blooms
Tenderness, yearning have blossomed and beginnings

٢. وما أَجْمَلَ الأيَّامَ زهْوُ عَطائِها
حَنانٌ وأَشْوَاقٌ زَهَتْ وبَوَادرُ

3. And how good is the world when love is a breeze
With which goodness, rich and pure, surges

٣. وما أَحْسَنَ الدُّنْيَا إِذَا الحُبُّ نَفْحَة
يَمُوجُ بهَا بِرٌّ غَنيٌّ وطاهِرُ

4. And how great is rich love, and its spring
Certainty and faith have adorned it with glories

٤. وما أَعظَمَ الحبَّ الغَنيَّ ، ونبْعُهُ
يَقينٌ وإِيمانٌ جَلَتْهُ المآثِرُ

5. It is love, an inexhaustible spring
Souls are quenched, and ardour and feelings are quenched

٥. هو الحُبُّ نَبعٌ لا يَغيضُ فتَرْتَوي
نُفُوسٌ وتُروَى لهْفَةٌ ومَشاعِرُ

6. It is the spring: the love of God, the love of His Messenger
When it is sound, it quenches the universe and the spring flows

٦. هو النّبْعُ : حُبُّ الله ، حُبُّ رَسُوِلِهِ
إِذَا صَحَّ روَّى الكونَ والنّبْعُ زَاخِرُ

7. With it, the greenery of gardens and a rose are quenched
With it, meadows after them and settlements are quenched

٧. فَتُرْوَى بِهِ خُضْرُ الرِّياضِ وَوَرْدَةٌ
وتُرْوَى بَوادٍ بعدها وحواضرُ

8. With it, the sweet breezes and dew flow
And a charming bird spreads it in enchanting melody

٨. وتمْضِي به حُلْوْ النَّسَائم والنَّدى
ويَنْشُرُه في سَاحِرِ اللّحْنِ طائِرُ

9. Your tenderness! This love is righteousness and mercy
And the bond of kinship has grown and ties

٩. حَنَانَيْك ! هذا الحبُّ بِّرٌّ ورَحْمَةٌ
ولُحْمَةُ أَرْحَامٍ نَمَتْ وأواصِرُ

10. And the company of brothers lasting with piety
And justice with mankind, resolute and able

١٠. وصُحْبَةُ إِخْوانٍ تَدُومُ مَعَ التُّقى
وعَدْلٌ مَعَ الإِنْسَانِ مَاضٍ وقادرُ

11. And most beautiful, a house which affection has inhabited
For it a tender home, it shelters and spreads

١١. وأَجْمَلُهُ بَيْتٌ عُرَاهُ مَوَدَّةٌ
لَهَا سَكُنٌ حانٍ عَلَيْهِ وناشِرُ

12. The shadows shelter it, irrigating and showing mercy
And the best from God preserves it, flourishing

١٢. تُظلِّلُهُ الأَنْداءُ رَيّاً ورَحْمَةً
ويَحْفَظُه خَيرٌ مِنَ الله عَامِرُ

13. In its expanses, lights surge
With it, youths grow, virtuous and free

١٣. تَمُوجُ به الأَنْوارُ بَيْنَ رِحَابِهِ
فَتَنْشَأُ فِتيانٌ به وحَرائِرُ

14. Stalwart youths, their faces are like the radiant dawn
The reciting of verses, light and wisdom, so maidenly and flowering grow in it

١٤. شَبابٌ أَشِدّاءٌ كأَنَّ وجوهَهم
من النُّور صُبْحٌ مَشْرِقُ الأُفْقِ ظاهِرُ

15. She is the mother, tending to the ardour of longing for her husband
And a home and generations she has raised with pride

١٥. وتُتْلَى به الآيَاتُ نُوراً وحكمةً
فتنشأ فِيه حانِياتٌ نَوَاضِرُ

16. He is the father, steadfast in righteousness, his generosity gushing
And for the father is an evident right to stewardship

١٦. هي الأُمُّ يَرعَى لَهْفَة الشَّوق بَعْلها
وبيتاً وأَجْيالاً رَعَتْها المَفَاخِرُ

17. And love brings them together in the house, as if it is
The companion of dew, a pleasant shade, abundant

١٧. هو الأَبُ قوَّامٌ مَعَ الرشْدِ بَذلُهُ
ولِلأبِ حَقٌّ بالقِوامَةِ ظَاهِرُ

18. It is love, yearning is there and ardour
With which a faithful and sentimental heart surges

١٨. ويَجْمَعُهُمْ في البَيْتِ حُبٌّ كَأَنَّه
رَفِيقُ النَّدى ظِلٌّ هِنيءٌ ووافِرُ

19. Pure, like the breaths of morn, its gentle rustling
Rich, like the flowing light, flourishing in the heart

١٩. هو الحُبُّ أَشواقٌ هُناكَ ولَهْفَةٌ
يموجُ بِهَا قَلْبٌ وفيٌّ وَخَاطرُ

20. As if you are its musky youth, or that it
Is of perfumed blossoms, roses and flowers

٢٠. نَقِيٌّ كأنْفَاسِ الصَّباحِ ، رَفِيفُه
غَنِيٌّ كَدَفْقِ النُّور ، في القَلْب عَامِرُ

21. As if the sweet breeze is the fluttering of its nostalgia
And the drifting of dew from it, rich and flowing

٢١. كَأَنّ فَتِيتَ المِسْكِ مِنْه ، أو أنَّهُ
من الْعَبَقِ الفَوّاحِ ورْدٌ وزَاهِرُ

22. It is home! If you prepare it, it will be a nation
For it triumphs in the arenas of life are foretold

٢٢. كأَنّ النّسيم الحُلْوَ خفْقُ حَنينه
ورفُّ النَّدَى مِنْهُ غَنيٌّ وناضِرُ

23. We have travelled, taking the path with difficulty and climbing
Rocks, and we go beyond them and aspire

٢٣. هو البيْتُ ! إِن أَعْدَدْته كان أُمَّةً
لها في مَيَادينِ الحَيَاةِ البشائِرُ

24. Thorns pierce us, wounds bleed with them
And with them our livers and sights bleed

٢٤. مَضَينَا نَشُقُ الدّربَ شَقّاً ونعتَلي
صُخُوراً ونمضي دُونَها ونُغَامِرُ

25. Our course guided by the light of truth, our religion
And hearts the verses make serene, and insights

٢٥. يَعَضُّ عليْنا الشوكُ تَدْمي به الخُطا
وتَدْمي به أَكبَادُنُا والنَّواظِرُ

26. And a promise to The Merciful, whose light is dazzling
It poured forth, so darkness retreated

٢٦. يَقودُ خُطانَا مِنْ هُدَى الحقِّ دِينُنَا
وأفئِدةٌ تُجْلَى به وبَصَائِرُ

27. The horizons spin around us, frightened, startled
By blood in its arenas and massacres

٢٧. وعَهْدٌ مَعَ الرَّحْمن أَبْلَجُ نورهُ
تَدَفَّقَ فانْزاحَتْ بِذاك الدّياجِرُ

28. So these are the abodes of Muslims, upon them
Wolves and ferocious beasts pounced

٢٨. تدورُ بِنَا الآفَاقُ حَيْرَى يَروعُهَا
دماءٌ على سَاحَاتِهَا ومَجَازرُ

29. They tear a land or tear a nation
And its remains in the horizons scattered

٢٩. فتلك دِيارُ المُسْلمين تَواثبَتْ
ذئابٌ عَليْها أو وُحُوشٌ كَواسِرُ

30. The sorrows varied: the grief of a nation
And the passions of a folk defiled them disgraces

٣٠. تُمزِّقُ أرضاً أَو تُمزِّقُ أُمَّةً
وأَشلاؤُها في الخافقين تَنَاثَرُ

31. So how many left the straight path, a brother of passion
Chasing the mirages of passion, confused

٣١. تَنوَّعَتِ الآلام : أحْزَانُ أُمَّةٍ
وأَهواءُ قومٍ لوَّثَتْهم مَعَايِرُ

32. And the finest remained on the promise of sincerity
Pearls of the essence of loyalty and jewels

٣٢. فكم غَادَرَ الدّرْبَ السَّويَّ أَخُو هوىً
يُطاردُ أشْبَاحَ الهَوىَ وهو سَادِرُ

33. Your tenderness! This path we carry
The message of monotheism, fate has made it manifest

٣٣. وظَلَّ على العَهْدِ النَّقيِّ أَجِلَّةُ
لآلئُ مِنْ صَفْو الوَفَاءِ جَواهِرُ

34. We will go on, God-willing, fulfilling our promise
To God, no matter how frightening the perils

٣٤. حنانَيْك ! هذا الدَّرب نحْملُ دُونَهُ
رسَالَةَ تَوحِيد جَلَتْها المقادِرُ

35. The light of certainty illuminates our path
With it, gloom and misfortunes recede

٣٥. سنَمْضي بإذن الله نُوفي بِعَهْدنا
مَعَ الله مَهْمَا رَوَّعَتْنَا المخاطِرُ

36. It is love from the spring of purity, its irrigation
With it, our depths and conscience surge

٣٦. يُضيء لَنَا نُورُ اليَقِين سَبيلَنَا
فَتَنْزاحُ عَنَّا غُمَّةٌ وعَوَاثِرُ

37. For this is the beauty of love, this is its majesty
Enduring jihad has cultivated it

٣٧. هُوَ الحُبِّ مِنْ نَبْعِ الصَّفَاءِ رُوَاؤه
تَمُوجُ بِه أَحْناؤنا والضمائِرُ

38. For life is but a meadow, and its plants
A rich jihad, generous and thriving

٣٨. فهذا جَمَالُ الحُبِّ هذا جَلالُه
رَعَاهُ وزكَّاهُ الجِهادُ المثابِرُ

39. My tenderness! How many wounds you have dressed, and sighs
You have soothed, and worries in the heart whispering

٣٩. فما العُمْرُ إلاَّ رَوْضَةُ وغراسها
جِهادٌ غَنيُّ بالعطاءِ وناشرُ

40. And how much wise counsel you have given
So a wise and sentimental heart set free

٤٠. حَنَانيكِ ! كَمْ جُرح ضَمَدتِ وأنَّةٍ
مَسَحْتِ وهَمٍّ في الفؤادِ يُدَاورُ

41. And how many nights I stayed up, watching their stars
As worries and more pressed me

٤١. وكَمْ كَان مِنْ رأي رشيدٍ بَذَلِتِه
فأطْلَقَه ُ قَلْبُ ذَكيُّ وخَاطِرُ

42. You shared my worries with tenderness and wisdom
And we remembered God, so minds cleared

٤٢. وَكمْ لَيْلَةٍ قد بِتُّ أَرعى نَجْومها
فيطْرُقُني هَمّ وهَمُّ وآخَرُ

43. We implored The Merciful secretly and openly
A heart conferring or a tongue professing

٤٣. فَشَارَكتني همّي حَناناً وحكْمِةً
وقُمنا بِذكر الله تُجلى الخَوَاطِرُ

44. We sought refuge in the safety of prayer and its safety
Is humility, and those pouring tears

٤٤. ضَرَعْنا إلى الرَّحمن سِرّاً وجهرةً
فَقَلبٌ يُنَاجِي أو لِسَانٌ يُجِاهِرُ

45. We travelled, taking the difficult path, and the rock before us
And its thorns, and God is protector and supporter

٤٥. فَزَعْنا إِلى أَمن الصلاة وأَمْنُها
خُشوعٌ وهاتِيكَ الدّمُوع المواطِرُ

46. And whoever is mindful of The Merciful will succeed, and whoever
Betrays a promise to God, calamities will not let him be

٤٦. مَضينا نشُقُّ الدَرْبَ والصَّخْرُ دونَنَا
وأَشواكُهُ ، والله حَامٍ وناصِرُ

47. And faith is not truthful unless it flows
To shepherd truth, and truth is manifest

٤٧. ومَنْ يتَّقِ الرَّحمن يَنْجُ ومَنْ يَخُنْ
مَعَ الله عهْداً لَمْ تَدَعْهُ الفواقِرُ

48. And this is the majesty of love, with it the youth proceeds
With it, the world and conscience are quenched

٤٨. ولا يَصْدُقُ الإيمَانُ إِلاَّ إِذا جرى
هواه لِيَرْعَى الحقَّ والحقَُّ ظاهِرُ

٤٩. وَهَذا جَلالُ الحُبِّ يَمضي به الفَتى
فَتُرْوَى به الدُّنْيا وتُرْوَى الضّمائِرُ