
He says: Poetry is improvised

لآلئ الشعر

1. He says: Poetry is improvised
In meter and rhyme, a constraint and hardship

١. يَقولُ : تَرْتَجِلُ الأَشْعَار تُنْشِدُها
وَزْناً وَقَافِيةٍ قَيْداً وإِعسارا

2. Leave rhyme and meter! For in them
Is the echo of heritage, shackles and disgrace

٢. دَعِ القْوافيَ والأَوْزَانَ ! إِنَّ بِهَا
رَجْعَ التُّراثِ وأَغلالاً وأَوضارا

3. And leave the eloquence of ancestors, for they are gone
Follow your passion and what you have chosen

٣. ودَعْ بَلاغَةَ أَجْدَادٍ وقَدْ غَبَروا
واتْبَعْ هواكَ ومَا قَدْ شاءَ واخْتارا

4. "Wash" or "purify" your words, for in them
Are years, history, and dust

٤. و " اغْسلْ " كَلامَك أو "طهّره" إِنّ به
مِنْ السِّنين، مِنَ التّاريخ ، وإِغبارا

5. And leave their rules, demolish their claims
And make your "talk" a secret among people

٥. واتْركْ قَواعِدَهمْ واهْدِمْ دَعائِهُمْ
واجعل " حديثك " بينَ الناس أَسرارا

6. And make poetry riddles that revolve around them
The people do not understand what has been said or occured

٦. واجْعَلْ مِنَ الشّعرِ ألغازاً تدورُ بِهِمْ
لا يَفْقَهُ القومُ ما قَدْ قِيلَ أو دارا

7. A free man who brings back the myths of imagination
And promenades in misguidance wherever he traveled

٧. حُرّاً يُعِيدُ أَساطيرَ الخَيالِ بِهِ
ويَنتَشي بِضَلالٍ حَيْثُما سَارا

8. He raves in every valley of his misguidance
With the devils, going and coming

٨. يَهيمُ في كلِّ وادٍ مِنْ ضلالَتِه
مَعَ الشياطينِ إِقْبَالاً وإِدْبَارا

9. All the old is old, it is not cared for
Innovate desires and thoughts today

٩. كُلُّ القَدِيم قَدِيمٌ لا يُبَالِ بِهِ
وجَدِّدِ اليوم أَهْوَاءً وأَفْكارا

10. And tear up "the form", "the form" has no connection
To religion! Bite it with fangs and claws

١٠. ومَزِّقِ "الشَّكلَ" لَيْسَ "الشَّكْلُ" ذا صِلَةٍ
بالدِّينِ ! أَنْشِبْ بهِ ناباً وأَظفَاراً

11. All the devils have wandered in its dwellings
Tempting and unleashing supporters and helpers

١١. كلُّ الشياطين جَالَتْ في مَنَازِلِهِ
تُغْري وتُطلِقُ أَعواناً وأَنْصَارا

12. How many youths have we lured with the colors of deception
Who echo excuses and seeking excuses

١٢. فَكَمْ جَذَبْنَا بأَلْوانِ الخِدَاع فَتىً
هَوَى يُرَدِّدُ أعذاراً وإِعْذارا

13. So I said: Woe to you for what you have said, for in it
Is the sedition of evil or the kindling of fire

١٣. فَقُلْتُ : وَيْحَكَ ما قَدْ قُلْتَ إِنَّ بِهِ
مِنْ فِتْنَةِ الشَّرِّ أو مِنْ وقْدِه نارا

14. Poetry is free in meter and rhyme
Filling the horizons with rhythm and vibration

١٤. الشِّعْرُ حُرُّ بِأَوْزَانٍ وقَافِيةٍ
ملءَ المَيَادينِ دفَّاقاً وزَخَّاراً

15. If stripped of them, it disappears into darkness
Among the ignorant, barren and empty

١٥. إذا تَجَرَّدَ مِنْها غابَ في ظُلُمٍ
بَيْنَ المَجَاهِل إِجْداباً وإِقْفارا

16. As if it is nonsense that left no ties
To it with poetry, no company or neighbor

١٦. كَأَنَّهُ هَذَرٌ لمُ يُبْقِ آصِرَةٍ
لَهُ مَعَ الشِّعْرِ لا صَحْباً ولا جَارا

17. They left no lineage or womb for poetry
Oh woe to those who cut off kinship or a neighbor!

١٧. لَمَ يَتْرُكُوا نَسَباً للشِّعْرِ أَو رحِماً
يَاوَيْلَ مَنْ قطَّعَ الأرْحام أَو جَارا

18. The pearls of poetry are meter and rhyme
Beaming from the glow of creativity, lights

١٨. لاّلئُ الشِّعْرِ أَوْزانٌ وقافِيةٌ
تَشِعُّ مِنْ وَهَجِ الإِبْداعَ أَنْوارا

19. Poetry is an art built over thousands of years
For the pearls of meter or made for it caves

١٩. الشِّعْرُ فَنُّ وآلافُ السِّنين بَنَتْ
لآلئَ الوزنِ أو صَاغَتْ لَه الغَارا

20. Its tongue is the language of the Quran, its verses
Miraculous revolving in veneration and pride

٢٠. لِسَانُهُ لُغةُ القُرْآنِ آيَتُها
إِعْجازُه دَارَ إِجْلالاً وإِكْبارا

21. And the genius of the gift of poetry is rhyme
Flowing with the "sea" in recital and sailing

٢١. وَعَبْقَرِيُّ عَطاءِ الشعْرِ قَافِيةٌ
تَجْري مَعَ " البَحْر " إِنشاداً وإِبْحارا

22. Poetry is an art that when I utter it
Your limbs tremble in affection and remembrance

٢٢. الشِّعْرُ فنُّ إّذا ما قُلْتُه انتفَضَتْ
مِنْكَ الجَوارح تَحْنَاناً وَتَذْكَارا

23. In an image that gathered its colors and shone
And moved the strings of wonderful melody

٢٣. في صُورةٍ جَمَعَتْ أَلْوانَها فَزَهتْ
وحرّكَتْ من بَدِيع اللَّحْنِ أوتارا

24. And a throbbing that the genius of art unleashes
Masterpieces from the soul of poetry maidens

٢٤. وخفقَةٍ عَبْقرِيُّ الفَنِّ يُطلِقُها
رَوائِعاً مِنْ غَنِيِّ الشعْر أَبْكارا

25. As if it drew from every rhyme
A melody the poems gesture with poems

٢٥. كَأَنْها اسْتَلْهَمَتْ مِنْ كُلِّ قَافِيةٍ
لَحْناً تموحُ به الأَشْعَارُ أَشْعارا

26. And scented with rhymes every plot of land
And adorned with rhymes the plateau and the house

٢٦. وعطّرَتْ بالقوافي كلَّ رَابِيَةٍ
وزيَّنَتْ بالقوافي السَّاح والدَّارا

27. And launched in the sky of poetry its stars
As pearls, and on the horizons as moons

٢٧. وأَطْلَقَتْ في سَماء الشِّعْر أَنْجُمَهَا
لآلِئاً وعَلى الآفاقِ أقْمارا

28. As if the realm expanded for poetry
So it became an ocean, the tumultuous ocean a storm

٢٨. كَأنّما اتَّسَعَتْ للشِّعْر سَاحَتُه
فَكَانَ بَحْراً وهِاجَ البَحْرُ إِعْصارا

29. None but the hardy youth rides the mist of the ocean
Seasoned in embarking and sailing

٢٩. لا يرْكَبَنَّ غَبَابَ البَحْرْ غيرُ فتىً
جَلْدٍ تمرَّس إِقلاعاً وإِبحارا

30. He plunges into it, every one with will and talent
While the helpless distressed retreats

٣٠. يَخُوضُهُ كُلُّ ذي عَزمٍ وموهِبَةٍ
ويَنْثَي العَاجِزُ المضطرُّ إِدْبارا

31. He dives seeking from its depths pearls
And ascends its back generous and determined

٣١. يَغُوصُ يَطْلُبُ مِنْ أَعْماقِه دُرَراً
ويَعْتَلي ظَهْرَهُ جُوْداً وإصْدارا

32. These are the "seas" of poetry, bestowing
On the sincere sublime that glows and lives

٣٢. هذي " البُحورُ "بُحُورُ الشِّعْرِ ، واهِبَةٌ
للصَّادقين عُلاً يَزهو وأَعْمارا

33. And in it are shells that protect
The pearls of poetry, meters and destinies

٣٣. وإِنّ فِيها لأَصْدافاً تُصَانُ بِهاَ
لآلِئُ الشِّعْرِ أوْزانا وَأقْدَارا

34. Poetry has two gates: a gate of devils
Inspiring in poetry sins and burdens

٣٤. الشعْرُ بَابَانِ : بَابٌ منْ أَبالِسَةٍ
يُوحُون بالشَعْر آثاماً وأَوزَاَرا

35. And ornaments that some hearts always accept
Throwing at the fire or disgrace

٣٥. وزُخْرُفاً لم تَزَلْ تَرْضَاه أَفْئدَةٌ
تَلقَى به النَّارَ أو تَلْقى به العارا

36. And a poet from the guidance of the Merciful, his throbbing
In meaning, words, passions and altruism

٣٦. وشاعَرٌ من هُدى الرَّحْمنِ خَفْقَتُه
مَعْنى ولفظاً وأشْواقاً وإيثارا

37. Revolves in the universe meeting from its wonders
Signs that open insights for the wise

٣٧. يَطُوفُ في الكوْنِ يَلقَى مِنْ عَجائبه
آياً تُفَتِّح للأَلْبَابِ أَسْفارا

38. He trembles from his longing for the truth, he is reverent
In His majesty, overwhelmed with prayers and invocations

٣٨. يهتزُّ من شَوْقِهِ للحقِّ ، يَخْشَعُ في
جَلاَلِه رَهَباً يَغْشَى وأَذكَارا

39. And unleashes poetry as calls stained
As the garden, meeting it lights and fruits

٣٩. ويُطلِقُ الشِّعْرَ أَنداءً مضمّخة
كالرّوضِ تلقاهُ أَنواراً وأَثْمارا

40. In it overflows abundance in the shade of sheltering
Gushing water a spring and rivers

٤٠. يَفيضُ فِيه الجَنى في ظِلِّ وارِفةٍ
تُفجِّرُ الماء يَنبُوعاً وَ أَنْهَارا

41. This is poetry! The poetry of believers flowing
To irrigate with time parables and news

٤١. هذا هو الشّعْرُ !شِعْرُ المُؤمنين جَرَى
يَرْوي مَعَ الدَّهْر أَمثالاً وأَخْبارا

42. As if gifting events their throbbing
Flowing to fill hearings and sights

٤٢. كَأنَّه يَهَبُ الأَحْداثَ خَفْقَتها
يَجْرِي فَيَمْلأُ أَسْماَعَا وأَبصاراً

43. Until when he hears poetry unleashed
As a garden blossoming litanies and flowers

٤٣. حتَّى إِذا سَمِعَ الأَشعارَ أُطْلِقُها
رَوْضاً تفتَّح أوْراداً وأَزْهارا

44. He returns from his vanity, recoiling from wonder
Appreciating and venerating poetry

٤٤. فعادَ عن غَيِّه وارتَدَّ من عَجَبٍ
يُرَجّع الشّعرِ إِعْجاباً وإِكْباراً

45. Saying this is lawful poetry flowing
As fragrance rippling, and magic revolving in its abode

٤٥. يَقُولُ هذا هُو الشّعْرُ الحَلالُ جَرَى
عِطراً يَمُوجُ وسِحْراً بَيْنَهُ دارا