1. The criminals were arrogant on earth, who
Will repeal the scheme of the criminals, the deniers
١. المُجْرمون اسْتَكْبروا في الأرض مَنْ
سَيَرُدُّ كَيْدَ المُجْرِمِينَ الجُحَّدِ
2. A group scented with jihad, rich
To God it takes the middle path
٢. فِئةٌ مُعَطَّرَةُ الجِهَادِ غَنِيَّةٌ
لله تَنْهَجُ بِالسَّبيل الأَقْصَد
3. To God the victorious fights those who transgressed
In earth or raises the banner of Muhammad
٣. لله ظاهِرةُ تُقاتِلُ مَنْ طَغَى
في الأرضِ أَو تُعْلي لِواءَ مُحَمَّدِ
4. Of every courageous well-tested in jihad
Persistent and every sincere stripping away
٤. مِنْ كُلِّ أَرْوعَ في الجِهَادِ مُجَرَّبٍ
مَاضٍ وكُلِّ مُصَدِّقٍ مُتَجَرِّدِ
5. Enriched life with his loyalty and allegiance
To God, he did not associate nor hesitate
٥. أَغْنى الحَيَاةَ بصدْقِه وَوَلائِهِ
لله ، لم يُشْرِكْ وَلَمْ يَتَردَّدِ
6. Gave life its beauty with his loyalty
And quenched the meadows with burning blood
٦. مَنَحَ الحَيَاةَ جَمَالها بوفائِهِ
وَرَوَى المرابع بالدَّم المتَوَقِّدِ
7. And went to one of the two bounties pulled
By yearning to the most loyal bliss and eternity
٧. وَمضَى لإِحْدَى الحُسْنَيَيْن يَشُدُّه
شَوْقُ إِلى أَوفى النَّعيم وأخلدِ
8. The criminals were arrogant on earth, who
Will repeal the cunning of the lurking criminal
٨. المُجْرمُون اسْتَكْبَروا في الأرضِ مَنْ
سَيَرُدُّ مَكْرَ المُجْرِم المُترَصِّدِ
9. It will be repealed by the group and the loyalty of its men
Righteousness, benevolence, and the fluttering banner
٩. سَتَرُدُّه فِئةُ وَفَاءُ رِجَالِهَا
بِرُ وإِحْسَانُ وخفقُ مُهَنَّدِ
10. A group that establishes beacons over time
With its guidance and epics from weapons
١٠. فِئةٌ تُقِيمُ عَلَى الزَّمانِ مَنَائِراً
مِنْ هَدْيِهَا ومَلاَحِماً مِنْ أَزْنُدِ
11. And returns to man his lost dignity
And awakens his longing from slumber
١١. وتُعِيدُ للإِنسَانِ عِزَّتَهُ التي
ديسَتْ وتُوقُظ شَوْقَه مِنْ مَرْقدِ
12. And shatters the shackles from him, for how much has passed, humanity
Between the misguided and shackled
١٢. وتُحَطّمُ الأغلالَ عَنْهُ فَكَمْ مَضَى الإِ
نْسَان بَيْنَ مُضَلَّلٍ و مُصَفَّدِ
13. And extends to the oppressed the hand of guidance
Help and true aid, bringing about
١٣. وَتَمدُّ للمُسْتَضْعَفين يَدَ الهُدَى
مَدَداً ونَجْدَة صَادِقٍ مُتَوجِّدِ
14. A group whose breath is as if
Musk has filled time and scented the horizon
١٤. فِئةٌ كأنَّ المِسْكَ مِنْ أنفاسِهَا
مَلأَ الزَّمَانَ وَعطَّرَ الأُفقَ النَّدِي
15. It goes on and spring shakes with it when
It rises and every barren valley sings
١٥. تمضي فَيَهْتَزُّ الرَّبيعُ بها إِذا
طَلَعتْ ويغنى كُلُّ وادٍ أجْرَدِ
16. Quenching the Messenger of God, a sign of his Lord
For all mankind, mercy for the striving
١٦. يُشْرَى رَسُولِ الله آية رَبِّهِ
للعَالمينَ رَحْمة للمُجْهَدِ
17. For God a pearl from India! So many scholars
Repelled for its court and so many helpers
١٧. لله دَرُّ الهِنْدِ ! كَمْ مِنْ عالِمٍ
دَفَعَتْ لسَاحَتِها وَكَمْ مِنْ مُنْجِدِ
18. They gave from the pure, brilliant knowledge
A passion to the sincerity of determination and hand
١٨. بَذَلوا مِنَ العِلْمِ الزَّكيِّ ونُورِهِ
مُهَجاً إلى صِدقِ العَزِيمةِ واليَدِ
19. And they went urging steps ablaze
On a path to the sincerity of striving, paved
١٩. ومَضَوا يَحثُّونَ الخُطى لَهباً عَلى
دَرْبٍ إلى صِدْقِ الجِهَادِ مُمَهَّدِ
20. The scent of imams and kings on tombs
Is the breeze of gardens and their renewed fragrance
٢٠. عَبَقُ الأئمَّةِ والمُلُوكِ عَلَى الرُّبى
نَفْحُ الجِنَانِ وعِطرِها المُتَجَدِّدِ
21. "Assistant of the Religion" goes on his rounds
A light that shone for a confused and lost soul
٢١. يمضي " مُعِينُ الدِّين " في جَوْلاتِهِ
نُوراً أَطَلَّ لُمدْلجٍ وَمُشَرَّدِ
22. And "Bakhtiar" remains the most precious, kings bow to him
And the great predators surrender
٢٢. ويَظلُّ " بختيارٌ " أَعزَّ فتنحَني
هامُ الملوكِ له وكِبْرُ الأَصْيَدِ
23. And "Al-Dahlawi", oh how mighty is his religion
He repealed kings, oh how lowly are the arrogant
٢٣. و" الدَّهلويُّ " وَيَا لَعزَّةِ دينه
ردَّ الملوكَ ويَا هَوانَ السُؤدُدِ
24. And the scholar "Al-Sirhindi", oh his jihad
Giving and oh ascetic devout
٢٤. والعالمُ " السّرْ هَندِ " يَا لجِهَادِه
بَذْلاً وَيَا لَلزَّاهِدِ المتَعَبِّدِ
25. He repealed the disobedient heretics and their schemes
Repealing and extinguishing the sedition of an atheist
٢٥. ردَّ الزّنادِقَةَ العُصَاةَ وكَيْدَهُمْ
ردّا وأخمدَ فِتنَةً مِنْ مُلحدِ
26. And see "the martyr Arabi", it is as if he is
An army that stirred in homes and tents
٢٦. وانْظر " لعرفانَ الشَّهِيدِ " كأنَّهُ
جيشٌ تواثَبَ في الذُّرا والأوهُد
27. He opened hearts without a drawn sword
So corruption fell and his sword was not sheathed
٢٧. فَتَحَ القُلوبَ بِغَيْر سَيْف مُصْلتٍ
فَهَوى الفسادُ وسَيفه لَمْ يُغمد
28. O "Council of Scholars"! O scent of foliage
O craving of archers, longing for the tent pole
٢٨. يا " ندوةَ العُلماءِ " ! يا نَفْحَ الشَّذا
يا لَهْفَةَ القُصَّادِ شَوْقَ العُوَّدِ
29. A lineage most righteous in piety, as if it is
A womb that protects and a kinship from birth
٢٩. نَسَبُ أَبَرُّ عَلى التُقَى فكأنَّه
رَحِمُ يَصونُ ولُحمةُ مِنْ مَولِدِ
30. Men excelled in jihad and its light
Oh honored lineage and pride of the ancestor
٣٠. زَكَتَ الرِّجالُ عَلَى الجِهَادِ ونُورِهِ
يَا عزَّ مُنْتَسبٍ وَعِزَّة مَحِتْدِ
31. For God a pearl from India! Light of stars
Blossoms and flow of mujahideen and supporters
٣١. لله دَرُّ الهِنْدِ ! نورُ كواكِبٍ
زُهْرٍ ودفقُ مجاهدٍ ومُسدِّدِ
32. Pearls from scholars, how can I count them
Their crowds exhausted the imagination of a counter
٣٢. دُرَرُ مِنْ العُلمَاءِ كَيف أَعُدُّهم
أَعيتْ حُشُودُهمُ خَيَالَ مُعدِّدِ
33. They paved the roads for every shining lasting day
And a day of singular martyrdom
٣٣. مَهَدوا الدُّروب لكلِّ يومٍ أبلجٍ
دَامٍ و يَومِ شهادةٍ متفرِّدِ