1. Return, O nightingales, to the branches,
And rouse the nightingales of the trees,
١. رجعي يا بلابل الأغصان
واستثيري بلابل الأشجان
2. Echo back to me every melody of sorrow,
And excellently stir up the excitements of sorrows.
٢. رددي لي بكل لحن شجي
واستجيدي مهيج الأحزان
3. You are like me in the world of passion, except
That I know what has saddened me,
٣. أنت مثلي في عالم الشجو إلا
أنني عالم بما قد شجاني
4. While the ignorant passionate person, regarding what has saddened him,
Is like a consoler, sincerely weeping over the bereaved.
٤. والشجي الجهول فيما شجاه
كالمعزي وجداً من الثكلان
5. How much I concealed the most delightful love,
And my torment with what is the second delight!
٥. كم كتمت الهوى ألذ نعيم
وعذابي بما النعيم الثاني
6. God has granted me her love, but then
He has afflicted me with her estrangement and trial.
٦. قد حباني بها الإله ولكن
قد رماني بهجرها وابتلاني
7. Her estrangement from me reminded me to shun her,
And to pursue the path of contentment,
٧. ذكرتني بهجرها لي هجري
وادتوائي لمنهج الرضوان
8. Her arrogance made me forget her, as if
I never considered the Hereafter in my reckoning,
٨. أغفلتني بزهوها وكأني
ما احتسبت المعاد في حسباني
9. My soul emboldened me to rebel
In her love, and my devil led me,
٩. جرأتني على التمرد نفسي
في هواها وقادني شيطاني
10. I learned of the two guardian angels, but
My misfortune blinded me from guidance.
١٠. بالرقيبين قد علمت ولكن
سوء حظي عن الهدى أعماني
11. I know not what my heart will do
On the day I am resurrected naked,
١١. لست أدري إذا استطار فؤادي
يوم بعثي بجسمي العريان
12. What will be my plea before Reckoning, when
My lifelong deeds are spread out?
١٢. ما اعتذاري لدى الحساب إذا ما
نشرا ما اقترفت طمول زماني
13. What will be my plea when I have reaped sins
That burdened me and blackened my record?
١٣. ما اعتذاري وقد جنيت ذنوباً
أثقلتني وسودت ديواني
14. What will be my plea when I am called and fear
That my good deeds are light in the scale?
١٤. ما اعتذاري إذا دعيت وخفت
حسناتي بكفة الميزان
15. What will be my plea when I am asked how
I spent my fleeting life?
١٥. ما اعتذاري إذا سئلت بماذا
قد تقضي بك الزمان الفاني
16. What will be my plea when I am exposed and asked
About what my hands and feet have earned?
١٦. ما اعتذاري إذا نشرت وعدت
ما جنته يداي والرجلان
17. And witnesses are brought against me
Of my body parts and tongue's disobedience?
١٧. وأقيمت علي مني شهود
باجترامي جوارحي ولساني
18. How anxious I will be when my book is taken
In my left hand, and I lose!
١٨. لهف نفسي إذا أخذت كتابي
بشمالي وأبت بالخسران
19. And the proof of the Truth is established against me
By the decree of the Sublime Bestower of Bounties.
١٩. واستتمت علي حجة حق
عن قضاء المهيمن المنان
20. Who will protect me from torment when
The Judgement of the Compensator judges me?
٢٠. من مجيري من العذاب إذا ما
حكمتني حكومة الديان
21. Who will protect me from misery when
I am bound in chains of disgrace?
٢١. من مجيري من الشقاء إذا ما
قيدتني سلاسل الخذلان
22. Who will protect me on the Path when
The consequences of disobedience make me tremble?
٢٢. من مجيري على الصراط إذا ما
أرعشتني عواقب العصيان
23. Who will protect me when I am driven away
With sternness by the Possessor of Might?
٢٣. من مجيري إذا دفعت بزجر
من زبان ملبياً لزبان
24. Obstacles, though I may have known
What I will face and what will face me,
٢٤. عقبات وربما كنت أدري
ما ألاقي بها وما يلقاني
25. If You call me to account for them, O Doer of Good,
And fear for my loss and disgrace,
٢٥. إن عدتني بها حسان فعال
وتخوفت ضيعتي وهواني
26. And make the disobedient taste the dragging punishment,
As they deserve the Fire's destiny,
٢٦. وأذيق العصاة جر عذاب
واستحقوا المصير للنيران
27. Then my salvation is in the Master of Messengers, Taha,
And in my weeping which quenches thirst,
٢٧. فنجاتي بسيد الرسل طه
وبكائي أسبطه الظمان
28. The allies of polytheism unjustly thirsted him,
And the hand of transgression made him drink harm,
٢٨. أظمأته عصابة الشرك ظلما
وسقته الردى يد العدوان
29. They prevented him from reaching the water,
While with his hands he joins the two oceans,
٢٩. منعوه من الورود لماء
وبكفيه يلتقي البحران
30. And they waged against him a war of helpers,
And provoked dormant grudges,
٣٠. وأثاروا عليه حرباً عواناً
واستثاروا كوامن الأضغان
31. So seventy thousand turned against him
And called him to abandonment,
٣١. فاستدارت عليه سبعون ألفاً
وتنادت عليه بالخذلان
32. They rallied them against him from every valley,
From Syria to Kufa,
٣٢. ألبوها عليه من كل فج
من شام تجري إلى كوفان
33. And took lightly fighting him with three,
Among arrows, spears and swords.
٣٣. واستخفوا لحربه بثلاث
بين سهم وصار وسنان
34. My heart is drawn to him and my soul is his ransom
From the lone one roaming the battlefield
٣٤. جر قلبي له وروحي فداه
من وحيد يجول في الميدان
35. With a fervent heart burning
Between the heat of thirst and heat of spears.
٣٥. بفؤاد مؤجج يتلظى
بين حر الظما وحر الطعان
36. Calling for help upon his grandfather and father,
Alone among them without supporters,
٣٦. مستغيثاً بجده وأبيه
مفرداً بينهم بلا أعوان
37. And calling to mind – he being the Light of God –
More articulate in remembrance than eloquence,
٣٧. وينادي مذكراً وهو نور
اللَه أجلى مذكراً من بيان
38. Saying among them, “I am the son of Ali the Chosen,
And the son of the best of women,
٣٨. قائلاً فيهم أنا ابن علي الـ
ـمرتضى وابن خيرة النسوان
39. And the son of Taha Muhammed, the best of God's creation,
By nature and sign of the Merciful.”
٣٩. وابن طه محمد خير خلق الـ
ـلَه طراً وآية الرحمن
40. Why then is my blood violated and my flesh lawful
Though from the Prophet of guidance I grew up?
٤٠. فلماذا دمي يحل ولحمي
من نبي الهدى نما بلبان
41. So a lethal arrow came to him from the enemy,
Would that it had cloven my brain and my entrails!
٤١. فأتاه من العدى سهم حتفٍ
ليته شق مهجتي وجناني
42. And his heart leapt up so its echo resounded
In the breasts of religion, like the call to prayer.
٤٢. وانتحى قلبه فرن صداه
في حشى الدين صرة الآذان
43. So the best Imam fell down, radiant,
Pure, fragrant, to the ground.
٤٣. فهوى للصعيد خير إمامٍ
ساطع النور طيب الأردان
44. Supplicating God for what He tested him with
In the path of submission and obedience.
٤٤. ضارعاً للإله فيما ابتلاه
في سبيل التسليم والإذعان
45. And destiny struck him with the blow of a sword
From Khowli and a stab from a spear,
٤٥. ونحاه القضا بضربة سيفٍ
من خولي وطعنةٍ من سنان
46. And Shimr mounted his chest with a sword
Which destroyed the pillar of guidance and palace of security.
٤٦. ورقى الشمر صدره بحسام
هد ركن الهدى وصرح الأماني
47. And he went on cutting the jugular with a blade
Whetted for him in the hands of a devil.
٤٧. ومضى يقطع الوريد بعضب
سله البغي في يدي شيطان
48. So the universe was clothed in darkness, grieving
Over an affliction that made the Two Weighty Ones weep.
٤٨. فاكتسى الكون بالظلام حداداً
لمصاب بكت له الثقلان
49. And existence and the Throne eulogized him when
The wrath of guidance was mixed with faith.
٤٩. ونعاه الوجود والعرش أن قد
فل عضب الهدى مع الإيمان
50. They killed him without respecting the right
Of al-Mustafa, no, nor of glory.
٥٠. قتلوه وما رعوا فيه حق الـ
ـمصطفى لا ولا على الشان
51. They left him prone in blood
On the hot earth without shrouds.
٥١. تركوه مرملاً بدماء
فوق حر الثرى بلا أكفان
52. So the sea of my heart wept with passion for him
And the sigh of bereavement.
٥٢. فابك شجواً له بحر الفؤاد
وزفير بأنة الثكلان
53. And let your tear flow in sorrow for him, but
Who will lament with a useful tear?
٥٣. واجر حزناً عليه دمعك لكن
من نجيع بمدمع هتان