
For whom is the house desolate with emptiness

لمن الدار أقفرت بالجناب

1. For whom is the house desolate with emptiness
Other than traces and ink stains like a book

١. لِمَنِ الدارُ أَقفَرَت بِالجَنابِ
غَيرَ نُؤيٍ وَدِمنَةٍ كَالكِتابِ

2. The breeze and southern wind changed it
And a north that sows the fragments of dust

٢. غَيَّرَتها الصَبا وَنَفحُ جَنوبٍ
وَشَمالٍ تَذرو دُقاقَ التُرابِ

3. They took turns ventilating it while every filthy thing
With continuous thunder and clouds tossing

٣. فَتَراوَحنَها وَكُلُّ مُلِثٍّ
دائِمِ الرَعدِ مُرجَحِنِّ السَحابِ

4. It was deserted after the gathering like beasts of prey
From the daughters of the dignitary or perfumer

٤. أَوحَشَت بَعدَ ضُمَّرٍ كَالسَعالي
مِن بَناتِ الوَجيهِ أَو حَلّابِ

5. And women departing and theaters and lodgings
And young maidens like ostriches and tents

٥. وَمُراحٍ وَمُسرَحٍ وَحُلولٍ
وَرَعابيبَ كَالدُمى وَقِبابِ

6. And mature ones with dew and dimples
And youth with necks subdued by the yoke

٦. وَكُهولٍ ذَوي نَدىً وَحُلومٍ
وَشَبابٍ أَنجادِ غُلبِ الرِقابِ

7. The acquaintances from it provoked my longing
When old age settled the house of youth

٧. هَيَّجَ الشَوقَ لي مَعارِفُ مِنها
حينَ حَلَّ المَشيبُ دارَ الشَبابِ

8. Wild donkeys made it their homeland though it was
Previously homelands of she-camels, flatlands

٨. أَوطَنَتها عُفرُ الظِباءِ وَكانَت
قَبلُ أَوطانَ بُدَّنٍ أَترابِ

9. Amongst them a cheek that captivated me
With coquetry and stirred my infatuation

٩. خُرَّدٍ بَينَهُنَّ خَودٌ سَبَتني
بِدَلالٍ وَهَيَّجَت أَطرابي

10. A high dune beyond which there was no rise
And a mound below which there was no descent

١٠. صَعدَةٌ ما عَلا الحَقيبَةَ مِنها
وَكَثيبٌ ما كانَ تَحتَ الحِقابِ

11. We were only created as heads
Who makes heads equal to tails

١١. إِنَّنا إِنَّما خُلِقنا رُؤوساً
مَن يُسَوّي الرُؤوسَ بِالأَذنابِ

12. We do not hoard wealth by calculations but
Make wealth the wing that enables calculations

١٢. لا نَقي بِالأَحسابِ مالاً وَلَكِن
نَجعَلُ المالَ جُنَّةَ الأَحسابِ

13. And we fend off enemies with a strike
Of sharp swords and stabbing with spears

١٣. وَنَصُدُّ الأَعداءَ عَنّا بِضَربٍ
ذي خِذامٍ وَطَعنِنا بِالحِرابِ

14. And when the horses paw the ground in war
And the dust rises above the armor

١٤. وَإِذا الخَيلُ شَمَّرَت في سَنا الحَر
بِ وَصارَ الغُبارُ فَوقَ الذُؤابِ

15. The nimble horses seek refuge in us
Heavy bellied and strong boned

١٥. وَاِستَجارَت بِنا الخُيولُ عِجالاً
مُثقَلاتِ المُتونِ وَالأَصلابِ

16. With disheveled forelocks in the ribbons and straps
Of a raiding party of Arabs

١٦. مُصغِياتِ الخُدودِ شُعثَ النَواصي
في شَماطيطِ غارَةٍ أَسرابِ

17. Galloping as if they were zebras
That heard the cry of a pursuing hound

١٧. مُسرِعاتٍ كَأَنَّهُنَّ ضِراءٌ
سَمِعَت صَوتَ هاتِفٍ كَلّابِ

18. Chasing the winds glorious in their flight
After war cry follows war cry

١٨. لاحِقاتِ البُطونِ يَصهِلنَ فَخراً
قَد حَوَينَ النِهابَ بَعدَ النِهابِ