
For whom are the abodes with the radiance of the soul

لمن الديار ببرقة الروحان

1. For whom are the abodes with the radiance of the soul
After time has studied and changed them?

١. لِمَنِ الدِيارُ بِبُرقَةِ الرَوحانِ
دَرَسَت وَغَيَّرَها صُروفُ زَمانِ

2. I halted my she-camel to ask about them
While my eyes hastened to let tears flow

٢. فَوَقَفتُ فيها ناقَتي لِسُؤالِها
فَصَرَفتُ وَالعَينانِ تَبتَدِرانِ

3. Copiously, as if a she-camel of Rabī‘ brought to me
Its water with its eyes

٣. سَجماً كَأَنَّ شُنانَةً رَجَبِيَّةً
سَبَقَت إِلَيَّ بِمائِها العَينانِ

4. The days of my people, the best people of Suqah
For one who binds on the turban, the miserable and the afflicted one

٤. أَيّامَ قَومي خَيرُ قَومٍ سوقَةٍ
لِمُعَصِّبٍ وَلِبائِسٍ وَلِعاني

5. And how good are the easy lives of neighbors when
The winter wind blows and the neighbor you know

٥. وَلَنِعمَ أَيسارُ الجَزورِ إِذا زَهَت
ريحُ الشِتاءِ وَمَألَفُ الجِيرانِ

6. But when there is backbiting, they
Can redden spear-heads with blood

٦. أَمّا إِذا كانَ الطِعانُ فَإِنَّهُم
قَد يَخضِبونَ عَوالِيَ المُرّانِ

7. And when there is fighting, they are
Lions when their cubs are threatened

٧. أَمّا إِذا كانَ الضِرابُ فَإِنَّهُم
أُسدٌ لَدى أَشبالِهِنَّ حَواني

8. And when summoned to battle, they
Love knees on the ground in the bodies

٨. أَمّا إِذا دُعِيَت نَزالِ فَإِنَّهُم
يَحبونَ لِلرُكَباتِ في الأَبدانِ

9. After them I lived on, though not immortal
For time has changing colors and aspects

٩. فَخَلَدتُ بَعدَهُمُ وَلَستُ بِخالِدٍ
فَالدَهرُ ذو غِيَرٍ وَذو أَلوانِ

10. God knows what I was ignorant of in their trace
And my recollection of what time has passed, at what moment!

١٠. اللَهُ يَعلَمُ ما جَهِلتُ بِعَقبِهِم
وَتَذَكُّري ما فاتَ أَيَّ أَوانِ