
The ruins passed through the belly of a scattered hill,

حلت كبيشة بطن ذات رؤام

1. The ruins passed through the belly of a scattered hill,
And its dwellings faded away in the wind of time.

١. حَلَّت كُبَيشَةُ بَطنَ ذاتِ رُؤامِ
وَعَفَت مَنازِلُها بِجَوِّ بَرامِ

2. Its landmarks weakened and its shape was altered,
By the gales of winds and eras gone by.

٢. أَقوَت مَعالِمُها وَغَيَّرَ رَسمَها
هوجُ الرِياحِ وَحِقبَةُ الأَيّامِ

3. Until it surrendered to that, as did every towering peak,
To the burning bolts continuously striking.

٣. حَتّى أَذَعنَ بِهِ وَكُلُّ مُجَلجِلٍ
حَرِقِ البَوارِقِ دائِمِ الإِرزامِ

4. A house in which the eyes of the sheep roamed,
Running through its corridors with the deer.

٤. دارٌ بِها عينُ النِعاجِ رَواتِعاً
تَعدو مَسارِبَها مَعَ الأَرآمِ

5. Truly it glimmers in it as if its commotion,
Is a stream whose top violently bubbles.

٥. وَلَقَد تَحُلُّ بِهِ كَأَنَّ مُجاجَها
ثَغبٌ يُصَفَّقُ صَفوُهُ بِمُدامِ

6. O you who frightened us with the murder of its sheikh,
A rock who wished for the companion of dreams.

٦. يا ذا المُخَوِّفَنا بِمَقتَلِ شَيخِهِ
حُجرٍ تَمَنِّيَ صاحِبِ الأَحلامِ

7. Do not make us cry foolishly, nor for our masters,
But let your crying be for the son of Mother Qatam.

٧. لا تَبكِنا سَفَهاً وَلا ساداتِنا
وَاِجعَل بُكاءَكَ لِاِبنِ أُمِّ قَطامِ

8. A rock on the morrow whose spears skirmished over it
In the plain between ranks and pressing crowds.

٨. حُجرٍ غَداةَ تَعاوَرَتهُ رِماحُنا
بِالقاعِ بَينَ صَفاصِفٍ وَإِكامِ

9. Until they paraded him while the streets wavered,
From between a moderate one and another who lasted.

٩. حَتّى خَطَرنَ بِهِ وَهُنَّ شَوارِعٌ
مِن بَينِ مُقتَصِدٍ وَآخَرَ دامِ

10. While the horses hovered over it as if they,
Were the rings of palm trees brought down from the tyrant.

١٠. وَالخَيلُ عاكِفَةٌ عَلَيهِ كَأَنَّها
سُحُقُ النَخيلِ نَأَت عَنِ الجُرّامِ

11. Racing with the hanging banners, carrying every position,
A vanguard against the cunning whose fog his armor hides.

١١. مُتَبارِياتٍ في الأَعِنَّةِ قُطَّباً
يَحمِلنَ كُلَّ مُنازِلٍ قَمقامِ

12. In it is the iron and in it is every protected one,
A spring and every literary work and sword.

١٢. سَلَفاً لِأَرعَنَ ما يَخِفُّ ضَبابُهُ
مُتَقَنِّسٍ بادي الحَديدِ لُهامِ

13. And verily we killed them - and how many a lord
Whose horses and zeal hovered over him.

١٣. فيهِ الحَديدُ وَفيهِ كُلُّ مَصونَةٍ
نَبعٍ وَكُلُّ مُثَقَّفٍ وَحُسامِ

14. When the polished blades bite our throats,
They melt and toss, then the best outcome.

١٤. وَلَقَد قَتَلنَهُمُ وَكَم مِن سَيِّدٍ
عَكَفَت عَلَيهِ خُيولُنا وَهُمامِ

15. We protect our truth and prevent our neighbor,
And we wrap around the widows of the orphans.

١٥. إِنّا إِذا عَضَّ الثِقافُ قَناتَنا
حالَت وَرامَت ثُمَّ خَيرَ مَرامِ

16. And we march to war as support if it appears,
Until we wrap its forearms with forearms.

١٦. نَحمي حَقيقَتَنا وَنَمنَعُ جارَنا
وَنَلُفُّ بَينَ أَرامِلِ الأَيتامِ

17. When you saw the armies of Kindah withdraw,
From us while Kindah is other than the essence of glory.

١٧. وَنَسيرُ لِلحَربِ العَوانِ إِذا بَدَت
حَتّى نَلُفَّ ضِرامَها بِضِرامِ

18. You claimed you would come as a caesar,
So you will be destroyed while you are a Shamite.

١٨. لَمّا رَأَيتَ جُموعَ كِندَةَ أَحجَمَت
عَنّا وَكِندَةُ غَيرُ جِدِّ كِرامِ

19. We refuse to be led by all the people,
Until we lead them without a halter.

١٩. أَزَعَمتَ أَنَّكَ سَوفَ تَأتي قَيصَراً
فَلَتَهلِكَنَّ إِذاً وَأَنتَ شَآمي