
For whom is there a life thriving on fertile meadows,

لمن دمنة أقوت بحرة ضرغد

1. For whom is there a life thriving on fertile meadows,
That appears like the title of a renewed book,

١. لِمَن دِمنَةٌ أَقوَت بِحَرَّةِ ضَرغَدِ
تَلوحُ كَعُنوانِ الكِتابِ المُجَدَّدِ

2. For Saadah, when she would reward with her love,
And when she would not meet you except most happily,

٢. لِسَعدَةَ إِذ كانَت تُثيبُ بِوُدِّها
وَإِذ هِيَ لا تَلقاكَ إِلّا بِأَسعُدِ

3. And when she was the fawn of tears as a child
Like a startled free mother gazelle,

٣. وَإِذ هِيَ حَوراءُ المَدامِعِ طَفلَةٌ
كَمِثلِ مَهاةٍ حُرَّةٍ أُمِّ فَرقَدِ

4. She would graze in the meadows at dawn with him
And take him to soft sands at night,

٤. تُراعي بِهِ نَبتَ الخَمائِلِ بِالضُحى
وَتَأوي بِهِ إِلى أَراكٍ وَغَرقَدِ

5. And make him the apple of her eye in her flock
And praise his neck at every rest,

٥. وَتَجعَلُهُ في سِربِها نُصبَ عَينِها
وَتَثني عَلَيهِ الجيدَ في كُلِّ مَرقَدِ

6. So she caused in the heart an illness that afflicts him,
Visiting like the bite of a lurking snake,

٦. فَقَد أَورَثَت في القَلبِ سُقماً يَعودُهُ
عِياداً كَسُمِّ الحَيَّةِ المُتَرَدِّدِ

7. The morning she appeared from her veil as if
She adorns her cheeks with your withering,

٧. غَداةَ بَدَت مِن سِترِها وَكَأَنَّما
تُحَفُّ ثَناياها بِحالِكِ إِثمِدِ

8. And smiles with sweet lips as if it is
Meadows’ buds have just blossomed.

٨. وَتَبسِمُ عَن عَذبِ اللِثاتِ كَأَنَّهُ
أَقاحي الرُبى أَضحى وَظاهِرُهُ نَدِ

9. So I, to my happiness, though her absence is long,
To attaining her I live like the resolute seeker.

٩. فَإِنّي إِلى سُعدى وَإِن طالَ نَأيُها
إِلى نَيلِها ما عِشتُ كَالحائِمِ الصَدي

10. If you were not bothered by advice, and did not obey
Counsel, nor listen to a guide's words,

١٠. إِذا كُنتَ لَم تَعبَء بِرَأيٍ وَلَم تُطِع
لِنُصحٍ وَلا تُصغي إِلى قَولِ مُرشِدِ

11. Then do not fear the blame of the whole tribe,
And defend it with your tongue and hand,

١١. فَلا تَتَّقي ذَمَّ العَشيرَةِ كُلَّها
وَتَدفَعُ عَنها بِاللِسانِ وَبِاليَدِ

12. And overlook the ignorant ones among them and protect them,
And suppress those who threaten them,

١٢. وَتَصفَحُ عَن ذي جَهلِها وَتَحوطُها
وَتَقمَعُ عَنها نَخوَةَ المُتَهَدِّدِ

13. And descend among them to the place in which
Virtue in life is seen over the braggart,

١٣. وَتَنزِلُ مِنها بِالمَكانِ الَّذي بِهِ
يُرى الفَضلُ في الدُنيا عَلى المُتَحَمِّدِ

14. For you are not, though you justify yourself with wishes,
Of black misfortune, loss, and no mastery,

١٤. فَلَستَ وَإِن عَلَّلتَ نَفسَكَ بِالمُنى
بِذي سودَدٍ بادٍ وَلا كَربِ سَيِّدِ

15. By your life, the riffraff do not fear my debauchery,
Nor keep away from the threatening.

١٥. لَعَمرُكَ ما يَخشى الخَليطُ تَفَحُّشي
عَلَيهِ وَلا أَنأى عَلى المُتَوَدِّدِ

16. And I do not seek the love of a man of little good,
Nor abstain from joining a friend.

١٦. وَلا أَبتَغي وُدَّ اِمرِئٍ قَلَّ خَيرُهُ
وَلا أَنا عَن وَصلِ الصَديقِ بِأَصيَدِ

17. And I put out war after its flames
Were lit for mischief at every hearth,

١٧. وَإِنّي لَأُطفي الحَربَ بَعدَ شُبوبِها
وَقَد أُقِدَت لِلغَيِّ في كُلِّ مَوقِدِ

18. So I lit it for the oppressor persisting with it
If his opinion does not keep him from wavering,

١٨. فَأَوقَدتُها لِلظالِمِ المُصطَلي بِها
إِذا لَم يَزَعهُ رَأيُهُ عَن تَرَدُّدِ

19. And I forgive a master suspicion that makes me wrong him
If he has not harmed me out of hatred,

١٩. وَأَغفِرُ لِلمَولى هَناةً تُريبُني
فَأَظلِمُهُ ما لَم يَنَلني بِمَحقِدي

20. And whoever intends my injustice among them is as if
He has diminished for an instant the towering cliffs,

٢٠. وَمَن رامَ ظُلمي مِنهُمُ فَكَأَنَّما
تَوَقَّصَ حيناً مِن شَواهِقِ صِندِدِ

21. And I have an opinion that is lived well by its virtue,
And I am not ignorant of the knowledge of affairs,

٢١. وَإِنّي لَذو رَأيٍ يُعاشُ بِفَضلِهِ
وَما أَنا مِن عِلمِ الأُمورِ بِمُبتَدي

22. If you take on worries as a trust,
Then you have placed it in the hands of the worst trustee.

٢٢. إِذا أَنتَ حَمَّلتَ الخَؤونَ أَمانَةً
فَإِنَّكَ قَد أَسنَدتَها شَرَّ مُسنَدِ

23. I found the worries of the people like deadly pests,
And did not live free of my neighbor's worries unfulfilled.

٢٣. وَجَدتُ خَؤونَ القَومِ كَالعُرِّ يُتَّقى
وَما خِلتُ غَمَّ الجارِ إِلّا بِمَعهَدي

24. Do not show love for a man before knowing him,
And after the testing of a man, then blame or praise.

٢٤. وَلا تُظهِرَن حُبَّ اِمرِئٍ قَبلَ خُبرِهِ
وَبَعدَ بَلاءِ المَرءِ فَاِذمُم أَوِ اِحمَدِ

25. And do not follow the opinion of one whose inner self you do not know,
Rather follow the opinion of a man of understanding.

٢٥. وَلا تَتبَعَنَّ رَأيَ مَن لَم تَقُصُّهُ
وَلَكِن بِرَأيِ المَرءِ ذي اللُبِّ فَاِقتَدِ

26. And do not avoid the friendship of relatives
For wealth, but avoid distant strangers.

٢٦. وَلا تَزهَدَن في وَصلِ أَهلِ قَرابَةٍ
لِذُخرٍ وَفي وَصلِ الأَباعِدِ فَاِزهَدِ

27. And if you have attained glory and spoils,
Return to the one you obtained that from and increase

٢٧. وَإِن أَنتَ في مَجدٍ أَصَبتَ غَنيمَةً
فَعُد لِلَّذي صادَفتَ مِن ذاكَ وَاِزدَدِ

28. Take provisions from the world, for it
Is the best supplies at every state for the well-prepared.

٢٨. تَزَوَّد مِنَ الدُنيا مَتاعاً فَإِنَّهُ
عَلى كُلِّ حالٍ خَيرُ زادِ المُزَوِّدِ

29. The death that Mureer Al-Qais wished for me, if I die,
That is a path in which I am not alone,

٢٩. تَمَنّى مُرَيءُ القَيسِ مَوتي وَإِن أَمُت
فَتِلكَ سَبيلٌ لَستُ فيها بِأَوحَدِ

30. Perhaps the one who hopes for my loss and death
Is a fool and coward if that is his view,

٣٠. لَعَلَّ الَّذي يَرجو رَدايَ وَميتَتي
سَفاهاً وَجُبناً أَن يَكونَ هُوَ الرَدي

31. There is no life for one who hopes for my demise to harm me,
Nor death for one who died before me to destroy me,

٣١. فَما عَيشُ مَن يَرجو هَلاكي بِضائِري
وَلا مَوتُ مَن قَد ماتَ قَبلي بِمُخلِدي

32. And man has days that are counted, and
The ropes of death have ensnared every watchful man,

٣٢. وَلِلمَرءِ أَيّامٌ تُعَدُّ وَقَد رَعَت
حِبالُ المَنايا لِلفَتى كُلَّ مَرصَدِ

33. His death marches to an appointed time, and his palace
Meets it one day at an unexpected moment,

٣٣. مَنِيَّتُهُ تَجري لِوَقتٍ وَقَصرُهُ
مُلاقاتُها يَوماً عَلى غَيرِ مَوعِدِ

34. So whoever does not die today, the rope of death
Will surely grab him tomorrow.

٣٤. فَمَن لَم يَمُت في اليَومِ لا بُدَّ أَنَّهُ
سَيَعلَقُهُ حَبلُ المَنِيَّةِ في غَدِ

35. So say to the one who wants the unlike what has passed,
Prepare yourself for another like it, as if it had,

٣٥. فَقُل لِلَّذي يَبغي خِلافَ الَّذي مَضى
تَهَيَّء لِأُخرى مِثلِها فَكَأَن قَدِ

36. For we and those among us who have perished are like
One who departs and the absolute judge to take revenge,

٣٦. فَإِنّا وَمَن قَد بادَ مِنّا فَكَالَّذي
يَروحُ وَكَالقاضي البَتاتِ لِيَغتَدي