
I am flexible when the debtor is destitute and twisted

ألين إذا لان الغريم وألتوي

1. I am flexible when the debtor is destitute and twisted
When he is in extreme hardship until he can pay his debt, I fight him

١. أَلينُ إِذا لانَ الغَريمُ وَأَلتَوي
إِذا اِشتَدَّ حَتّى يُدرِكَ الدَينَ قاتِلي

2. And I give him time until he wearies me
And he is content with paying some of the debt without getting everything he wants

٢. وَأَمطُلُهُ العَصرَينِ حَتّى يَمَلَّني
وَيَرضى بِبَعضِ الدَينِ في غَيرِ نائِلِ