
I remembered my virtuous family in Malhab

تذكرت أهلي الصالحين بملحوب

1. I remembered my virtuous family in Malhab
So my heart for them is utterly devastated and defeated

١. تَذَكَّرتُ أَهلي الصالِحينَ بِمَلحوبِ
فَقَلبي عَلَيهِم هالِكٌ جِدَّ مَغلوبِ

2. I remembered the people of goodness, generosity and softness
And the people of noble horses, righteousness and fragrance

٢. تَذَكَّرتُ أَهلَ الخَيرِ وَالباعِ وَالنَدى
وَأَهلَ عِتاقِ الجُردِ وَالبِرِّ وَالطيبِ

3. I remembered them, my tears do not dry up
Like a stream watering devastated farms

٣. تَذَكَّرتُهُم ما إِن تَجِفُّ مَدامِعي
كَأَن جَدوَلٌ يَسقي مَزارِعَ مَخروبِ

4. And a house from which musk emanates from its rooms
I frequented it secretly and engaged

٤. وَبَيتٍ يَفوحُ المِسكُ مِن حُجُراتِهِ
تَسَدَّيتُهُ مِن بَينِ سِرٍّ وَمَخطوبِ

5. And a female singer whose voice is melodious
Who wanders to the strings of a hollow lute

٥. وَمُسمِعَةٍ قَد أَصحَلَ الشُربُ صَوتَها
تَأَوّى إِلى أَوتارِ أَجوَفَ مَحنوبِ

6. I witnessed generous youths
Love is unveiled for whoever mingles with them

٦. شَهِدتُ بِفِتيانٍ كِرامٍ عَلَيهِمُ
حِباءَ لِمَن يَنتابُهُم غَيرُ مَحجوبِ

7. And a piece of cloth from the youths, more generous than a truthful one
From the sword I took an oath it is not ripped

٧. وَخِرقٍ مِنَ الفِتيانِ أَكرَمَ مَصدِقاً
مِنَ السَيفِ قَد آخَيتُ لَيسَ بِمَذروبِ

8. So all that from me is now gone
So which man among people is not accused of lying?

٨. فَأَصبَحَ مِنّي كُلُّ ذَلِكَ قَد مَضى
فَأَيُّ فَتىً في الناسِ لَيسَ بِمَكذوبِ

9. And I came to wear under me a cloak
With a thread from the masters, a purebred steed

٩. وَقَد أَغتَدي في القَومِ تَحتي شِمِلَّةٌ
بِطِرفٍ مِنَ السيدانِ أَجرَدَ مَنسوبِ

10. A camel like the sheep of the sands, its skin smooth
Stamping the sands, not saddled

١٠. كُمَيتٍ كَشاةِ الرَملِ صافٍ أَديمُهُ
مُفِجِّ الحَوامي جُرشُعٍ غَيرِ مَخشوبِ

11. And horses like herds of wild cats I rallied them
With a rope that grows with stalk and node

١١. وَخَيلٍ كَأَسرابِ القَطا قَد وَزَعتُها
بِخَيفانَةٍ تَنمي بِساقٍ وَعُرقوبِ

12. And a piece of cloth in which the zebra screams with the echo
Frightening when the night startles it, scared

١٢. وَخَرقٍ تَصيحُ الهامُ فيهِ مَعَ الصَدى
مَخوفٍ إِذا ما جَنَّهُ اللَيلُ مَرهوبِ

13. I cut with an unsheathed sword a cloak
That makes disasters slip from the flanks of the afflicted

١٣. قَطَعتُ بِصَهباءِ السَراةِ شِمِلَّةٍ
تَزِلُّ الوَلايا عَن جَوانِبِ مَكروبِ

14. It has a funnel with which it shakes the balls
To a stirring shepherd not erect

١٤. لَها قَمَعٌ تَذري بِهِ الكورَ تامِكٌ
إِلى حارِكٍ تَأوي إِلى الصُلبِ مَنصوبِ

15. If its leg moves you'd say it's an ostrich
And if it's scolded one day, it's not startled

١٥. إِذا حَرَّكَتها الساقُ قُلتَ نَعامَةٌ
وَإِن زُجِرَت يَوماً فَلَيسَت بِرُعبوبِ

16. You see man yearning for life and its prolonging
Yet in the prolonging of man's life is ample torment

١٦. تَرى المَرءَ يَصبو لِلحَياةِ وَطولِها
وَفي طولِ عَيشِ المَرءِ أَبرَحُ تَعذيبِ