
For whom are the abodes in Sahah desolate, what lessons have they learned from the wilderness?

لمن الديار بصاحة فحروس

1. For whom are the abodes in Sahah desolate, what lessons have they learned from the wilderness?
Save for ruins, as if their features were depicted by the pen of creation in an erased parchment.

١. لِمَنِ الدِيارُ بِصاحَةٍ فَحَروسِ
دَرَسَت مِنَ الإِقفارِ أَيَّ دُروسِ

2. An abode for Fatimah in the fullness of spring, it halted on the lofty plateau of many peaks.
Her days of neglect, even if you do not find them bent with the worst of illnesses, the illness of decay.

٢. إِلّا أَوارِيّاً كَأَنَّ رُسومَها
في مُهرَقٍ خَلَقِ الدَواةِ لَبيسِ

3. And your morning raid, O gentle, pure raider, with white, gazelle-like steeds like the white-tailed bucks.
Her cheek is soft-skinned as if it were a cloak that grew amidst tender sprouts.

٣. دارٌ لِفاطِمَةَ الرَبيعَ بِغَمرَةٍ
فَقَفا شَرافِ فَهَضبِ ذاتِ رُؤوسِ

4. Will you not forget her love with mighty endurance, and the shelter of wet clay and palms?
Spring has raised its banners, so it thrived, and followed its sprouts with branches.

٤. أَزمانَ غَفلَتِها وَإِن لَم تَجدُها
نَكساً وَشَرُّ الداءِ داءُ نُكوسِ

5. So it seems to waver when loosed, and peck its rods, striking them with its lips.
I have wasted its vitality and bent its banners by traveling after an evil separation.

٥. وَسَبَتكَ ناعِمَةٌ صَفِيُّ نَواعِمٍ
بيضٍ غَرائِرَ كَالظِباءِ العيسِ

6. And the commander of the cavalry whom I disobeyed with a bare, galloping, smooth mare.
She was created on meadows, and her intelligence was perfected, and ingenuity worked wonders in her.

٦. خَودٌ مُبَتَّلَةُ العِظامِ كَأَنَّها
بَردِيَّةٌ نَبَتَت خِلالَ غُروسِ

7. And when she is exhausted and her drinking from the water trough decreases, and she becomes slippery in persistence,
She removes sins from the middle of her path - the association of competitors while she is no sun.

٧. أَفَلا تُناسي حُبَّها بِجُلالَةٍ
وَجناءَ كَالأُجُمِ المَطينِ وَلوسِ

8. When you face her, it is as if she has withered but is not shrivelled.
And when you turn away from her, she is like a yellow flask with a neck.

٨. رَفَعَ المَرادُ مِنَ الرَبيعِ سَنامَها
فَنَوَت وَأَردَفَ نابَها لِسَديسِ

9. And if we dye her, her dye does not dry out, as if her blessing is an abundant wedding.
And if we unleash her to the enemy, the closest columns will plunder her.

٩. فَكَأَنَّما تَحنو إِذا ما أُرسِلَت
عودَ العِضاهِ وَدِقَّهُ بِفُؤوسِ

10. This one carries me, white with sword drawn, engaged in known, frequented battles,
On a day of protective peace, like a lion that is not fed with prey,

١٠. أَفنَيتُ بَهجَتَها وَنِيَّ سَنامِها
بِالرَحلِ بَعدَ مَخيلَةٍ وَشَريسِ

11. And the clan of Khuzaymah know that we are among their best in fortune and misery.
We mourn their enemy, and our ram butts for them, and the butting is not weak.

١١. وَأَميرِ خَيلٍ قَد عَصَيتُ بِنَهدَةٍ
جَرداءَ خاظِيَةِ السَراةِ جَلوسِ

١٢. خُلِقَت عَلى عُسُبٍ وَتَمَّ ذَكائُها
وَاِحتالَ فيها الصَنعُ غَيرَ نَحيسِ

١٣. وَإِذا جُهِدنَ وَقَلَّ مَصُّ نِطافِها
وَصَلَقنَ في دَيمومَةٍ إِمليسِ

١٤. تَنفي الأَواثِمَ عَن سَواءِ سَبيلِها
شَرَكَ الأَحِزَّةِ وَهيَ غَيرُ شَموسِ

١٥. أَمّا إِذا اِستَقبَلتَها فَكَأَنَّها
ذَبُلَت مِنَ الهِندِيِّ غَيرَ يَبوسِ

١٦. أَمّا إِذا اِستَدبَرتَها فَكَأَنَّها
قارورَةٌ صَفراءُ ذاتُ كَبيسِ

١٧. وَإِذا اِقتَنَصنا لا يَجِفُّ خِضابُها
وَكَأَنَّ بِركَتَها مَداكُ عَروسِ

١٨. وَإِذا دَفَعنا لِلحِراجِ فَنَهبُها
أَدنى سَوامِ الجامِلِ المَحلوسِ

١٩. هاتيكَ تَحمِلُني وَأَبيَضَ صارِماً
وَمُحَرَّباً في مارِنٍ مَخموسِ

٢٠. في أُسرَةٍ يَومَ الحِفاظِ مَصالِتٍ
كَالأُسدِ لا يُنمى لَها بِفَريسِ

٢١. وَبَنو خُزَيمَةَ يَعلَمونَ بِأَنَّنا
مِن خَيرِهِم في غِبطَةٍ وَبَئيسِ

٢٢. نُبكي عَدُوَّهُمُ وَيَنطَحُ كَبشُنا
لَهُمُ وَلَيسَ النَطحُ بِالمَوموسِ