
O eye, weep for what the sons of Asad have built

يا عين فابكي ما بني

1. O eye, weep for what the sons of Asad have built
They are people of regret,

١. يا عَينِ فَاِبكي ما بَني
أَسَدٍ فَهُم أَهلُ النَدامَه

2. People of red domed tents
Of soft carpets and wine

٢. أَهلَ القِبابِ الحُمرِ وَال
نَعَمِ المُؤَبَّلِ وَالمُدامَه

3. Owners of bareback horses
Of polished swords in sheaths

٣. وَذَوي الجِيادِ الجُردِ وَال
أَسَلِ المُثَقَّفَةِ المُقامَه

4. Forbear cursing them,
Truly in what you say there is truth

٤. حِلّاً أَبَيتَ اللَعنَ حِ
لّاً إِنَّ فيما قُلتَ آمَه

5. In every valley between Yathrib
Are the cries of a shepherd or shouts of drunkard

٥. في كُلِّ وادٍ بَينَ يَث
رِبَ فَالقُصورِ إِلى اليَمامَه

6. You denied them Najd, so they descended
Upon Al-Wajl like voracious locusts

٦. تَطريبُ عانٍ أَو صِيا
حُ مُحَرَّقٍ أَو صَوتُ هامَه

7. The sons of Asad were scattered like
A pigeon driven from her nest

٧. وَمَنَعتَهُم نَجداً فَقَد
حَلّوا عَلى وَجَلٍ تِهامَه

8. You made two rods for them from tamarisk
And a third from wormwood

٨. بَرِمَت بَنو أَسَدٍ كَما
بَرِمَت بِبَيضَتِها الحَمامَه

9. You either left them or you killed them
In either case, no blame

٩. جَعَلَت لَها عودَينِ مِن
نَشَمٍ وَآخَرَ مِن ثُمامَه

10. You are king over them
They are slaves till resurrection

١٠. إِمّا تَرَكتَ تَرَكتَ عَف
واً أَو قَتَلتَ فَلا مَلامَه

11. They submitted to your whip like
Ashyqar submitted, he of the testicles

١١. أَنتَ المَليكُ عَلَيهِمُ
وَهُمُ العَبيدُ إِلى القِيامَه

١٢. ذَلّوا لِسَوطِكَ مِثلَ ما
ذَلَّ الأُشَيقِرُ ذو الخِزامَه