
O friend, go slowly, be less severe with me, O friend

يا صاح مهلا أقل العذل يا صاح

1. O friend, go slowly, be less severe with me, O friend
And do not be my blamer, haunting me

١. يا صاحِ مَهلاً أَقِلَّ العَذلَ يا صاحِ
وَلا تَكونَنَّ لي بِاللائِمِ اللاحي

2. I swear by God, surely God is full of bounty
To whom He wills, and is forgiving and reconciling

٢. حَلَفتُ بِاللَهِ إِنَّ اللَهَ ذو نِعَمٍ
لِمَن يَشاءُ وَذو عَفوٍ وَتَصفاحِ

3. My eyes are not inclined to what I do not possess
Of what appears to me, tempting my roving eyes

٣. ما الطَرفُ مِنّي إِلى ما لَستُ أَملِكُهُ
مِمّا بَدا لي بِباغي اللَحظِ طَمّاحِ

4. Nor do I sit conversing in the morn with one
Whose talk is vain, so my earnestness is not for morning

٤. وَلا أُجالِسُ صُبّاحاً أُحادِثُهُ
حَديثَ لَغوٍ فَما جِدّي بِصُبّاحِ

5. When they lean on their elbows, and their palms turn them
Aside, changing course, turned by cups and goblets

٥. إِذا اِتَّكَوا فَأَدارَتها أَكُفُّهُمُ
صِرفاً تُدارُ بِأَكواسٍ وَأَقداحِ

6. Truly I fear the rude, ill-mannered ignoramus
And avoid the God-fearing and gentle at rest

٦. إِنّي لَأَخشى الجَهولَ الشَكسَ شيمَتُهُ
وَأَتَّقي ذا التُقى وَالحِلمِ بِالراحِ

7. Never leaving me, as long as I live, one whose love
Is my necklace, a generous steed, smooth-gaited

٧. وَلا يُفارِقُني ما عِشتُ ذو حَقَبٍ
نَهدُ القَذالِ جَوادٌ غَيرُ مِلواحِ

8. Or a mare from my prized horses, swimming
As if she were the flowing train of a bride's dress

٨. أَو مُهرَةٌ مِن عِتاقِ الخَيلِ سابِحَةٌ
كَأَنَّها سَحقُ بُردٍ بَينَ أَرماحِ

9. A grandsire of flags, stripping bare,
Far from waterskins, barren land, displaced

٩. وَمَهمَهٍ مُقفِرِ الأَعلامِ مُنجَرِدٍ
نائي المَناهِلِ جَدبِ القاعِ مِنزاحِ

10. I rewarded him with a she-camel, male-like
Like a roaming hyena with two cubs

١٠. أَجَزتُهُ بِعَلَنداةٍ مُذَكَّرَةٍ
كَالعَيرِ مَوّارَةِ الضَبعَينِ مِمراحِ

11. And I have become amorous like an oryx
The spittle of youth overflowing, bright-faced

١١. وَقَد تَبَطَّنتُ مِثلَ الرِئمِ آنِسَةً
رُؤدَ الشَبابِ كَعاباً ذاتَ أَوضاحِ

12. She lulls to sleep her lover when he tosses and turns
And makes him cling when in summer the coolness is pleasant for the wakeful

١٢. تُدفي الضَجيعَ إِذا يَشتو وَتُخصِرُهُ
في الصَيفِ حينَ يَطيبُ البَردُ لِلصاحي

13. The saliva of her mouth seems when she smiles
Like a mixing of honey with quince and apple

١٣. تَخالُ ريقَ ثَناياها إِذا اِبتَسَمَت
كَمِزجِ شُهدٍ بِأُترُجٍّ وَتُفّاحِ

14. It's as if her habit in every dark night
Is the lamp's light when darkness is confused

١٤. كَأَنَّ سُنَّتَها في كُلِّ داجِيَةٍ
حينَ الظَلامُ بَهيمٌ ضَوءُ مِصباحِ

15. By your life, even if I tried to correct what is in my hands
Men would not praise, after death, my reforming

١٥. إِنّي وَجَدِّكَ لَو أَصلَحتُ ما بِيَدي
لَم يَحمَدِ الناسُ بَعدَ المَوتِ إِصلاحي

16. I perfume my robe with praise of my neighbor, spending it
Until I become dust beneath boards

١٦. أَشري التِلادَ بِحَمدِ الجارِ أَبذُلُهُ
حَتّى أَصيرَ رَميماً تَحتَ أَلواحِ

17. After shadows, when I am sealed in a grave
In the depths of a gloomy, dark tomb

١٧. بَعدَ الظَلالِ إِذا وُسِّدتُ حَثحَثَةً
في قَعرِ مُظلِمَةِ الأَرجاءِ مِكلاحِ

18. Or become a corpse in the head of a valley
Or in a cavity in the ground, buried

١٨. أَو صِرتُ ذا بومَةٍ في رَأسِ رابِيَةٍ
أَو في قَرارٍ مِنَ الأَرضينَ قِرواحِ

19. How many a youth like a twig of mimosa in a vineyard
Pure complexion, connecting cheek and temple

١٩. كَم مِن فَتىً مِثلِ غُصنِ البانِ في كَرَمٍ
مَحضِ الضَريبَةِ صَلتِ الخَدِّ وَضّاحِ

20. I left him without bidding him farewell or being bidden
At dawn in a ramshackle shelter

٢٠. فارَقتُهُ غَيرَ قالٍ لي وَلَستُ لَهُ
بِالقالِ أَصبَحَ في مَلحودَةٍ ناحي

21. Are we ought but bodies passing under the soil
And spirits like spirits

٢١. هَل نَحنُ إِلّا كَأَجسادٍ تَمُرُّ بِها
تَحتَ التُرابِ وَأَرواحٍ كَأَرواحِ