1. Look dear one, do you see some gazelles
That walked gloomily, below them vagueness
١. تَبَصَّر خَليلي هَل تَرى مِن ظَعائِنٍ
سَلَكنَ غُمَيراً دونَهُنَّ غُموضُ
2. And above the beautiful camels maidens
Like virgins, white shirts, pleasant companions
٢. وَفَوقَ الجِمالِ الناعِجاتِ كَواعِبٌ
مَخاميصُ أَبكارٌ أَوانِسُ بيضُ
3. And the house of chaste women who throw with their arms
I entered, in it was a flirtatious and sick one
٣. وَبَيتِ عَذارى يَرتَمينَ بِخِدرِهِ
دَخَلتُ وَفيهِ عانِسٌ وَمَريضُ
4. So I lent her my love to reward her, for only
The hands of the righteous knock borrowings
٤. فَأَقرَضتُها وُدّي لِأُجزاهُ إِنَّما
تَدُقُّ أَيادي الصالِحينَ قُروضُ
5. And my heart longed after weakness and it provoked her
One day in Hejaz with longing and departure
٥. وَحَنَّت قَلوصي بَعدَ وَهنٍ وَهاجَها
مَعَ الشَوقِ يَوماً بِالحِجازِ وَميضُ
6. So I said to her, "Don't be annoyed, a house
Will come to me from India, an unwelcome one."
٦. فَقُلتُ لَها لا تَضجَري إِنَّ مَنزِلاً
نَأَتني بِهِ هِندٌ إِلَيَّ بَغيضُ
7. The answers of the wilderness drew near to you, so make less
What the flock and the base have accustomed you to
٧. دَنا مِنكِ تَجوابُ الفَلاةِ فَقَلِّصي
بِما قَد طَباكِ رِعيَةٌ وَخُفوضُ
8. When it passed through a land, it took
The reins in a hand, between them a cupper
٨. إِذا جاوَزَت مِنها بِلاداً تَناوَلَت
مَهامِهَ بيداً بَينَهُنَّ عَريضُ
9. And the she-camels raged and lagged behind with them
Bent, for them saddlebags and howdahs
٩. وَقَد ماجَتِ الأَنساعُ وَاِستَأخَرَت بِها
مَعَ الغَرزِ أَحناءٌ لَهُنَّ دُحوضُ
10. And they were like flocks of wild doves provoked and their watering place
On a hot day was visited, a small river
١٠. وَكُنَّ كَأَسرابِ القَطا هاجَ وِردَها
مَعَ الصُبحِ في يَومِ الحَرورِ رَميضُ
11. And boys of truth, for whom I spread
My gown, and in the sun's heat howdahs
١١. وَفِتيانِ صِدقٍ قَد ثَنَيتُ عَلَيهِمُ
رِدائي وَفي شَمسِ النَهارِ دُحوضُ
12. Am I not the most eloquent, whose west casts
Poems from it, some durable, some ephemeral?
١٢. أَلَستُ أَشُقُّ القَولَ يَقذِفُ غَربُهُ
قَصائِدَ مِنها آبِنٌ وَهَضيضُ
13. I shut up then the mischief of spittle with its saliva
So it speaks after me, and speech is subdued
١٣. أُغِصُّ إِذاً شَغبَ الأَلَدِّ بِريقِهِ
فَيَنطِقُ بَعدي وَالكَلامُ خَفيضُ
14. And how many disputing brothers did I leave, and he had
No argument when I said, "In which words craft?"
١٤. وَكَم مِن أَخي خَصمٍ تَرَكتُ وَما بِهِ
إِذا قُلتُ في أَيِّ الكَلامِ نُحوضُ
15. So I turned away from glory and gave a smooth-speared one
A sword with which the mischief of spittle rose up
١٥. فَوَلَّيتُ ذا مَجدٍ وَأُعطيتُ مِسحَلاً
حُساماً بِهِ شَغبُ الأَلَدِّ نُهوضُ
16. I cut from you the pregnant she-camels with it, so they sprang up
Then you had after insult no rising up
١٦. قَطَعتُ بِهِ مِنكَ الحَوامِلَ فَاِنبَرَت
فَما بِكَ مِن بَعدِ الهِجاءِ نُهوضُ
17. I clad you in the permanent shame, a cladding
To which you submitted, and the heart from you is timid
١٧. صَقَعتُكَ بِالغُرِّ الأَوابِدِ صَقعَةً
خَضَعتَ لَها فَالقَلبُ مِنكَ جَريضُ
18. You prayed to a lion whose den is not coveted
My father Ashbal, after the fighting, a biter
١٨. صَليتُم بِلَيثٍ ما يُرامُ عَرينُهُ
أَبي أَشبُلٍ بَعدَ العِراكِ عَضوضِ
19. When he appeared, the lions shaded him obsequiously
So they are cautious of death from him, terrified
١٩. إِذا ما بَدا ظَلَّت لَهُ الأُسدُ عُكَّفاً
فَهُنَّ حِذارَ المَوتِ مِنهُ رُبوضُ
20. You see among cowardly Meowas he wallowed in the ashes
And one who desires life, hoping for survival
٢٠. تَرى بَينَ مَوقوصٍ تَغَطمَطَ في الرَدى
وَذي رَغبَةٍ يَرجو الحَياةَ نَحيضُ