
O my beloved, go about and ask of the abode

يا خليلي اربعا واستخبرا المنزل

1. O my beloved, go about and ask of the abode
Of him who studies, of the people of probity,

١. يا خَليلَيَّ اِربَعا وَاِستَخبِرا ال
مَنزِلِ الدارِسَ مِن أَهلِ الحَلالِ

2. Like the crushing of ice, the dew has cleared after you
Its tune and the blowing of the north wind,

٢. مِثلَ سَحقِ البُردِ عَفّى بَعدَكَ ال
قَطرُ مَغناهُ وَتَأويبُ الشَمالِ

3. And your companions will surely sing of it,
Those who cling to the causes of reunion with you,

٣. وَلَقَد يَغنى بِهِ أَصحابُكَ ال
مُمسِكو مِنكَ بِأَسبابِ الوِصالِ

4. Then their love was strengthened when they intended
Between the days, a state after a state,

٤. ثُمَّ أَكدى وُدُّهُم أَن أَزمَعوا ال
بَينَ وَالأَيّامُ حالٌ بَعدَ حالِ

5. So ask about them securely, like the remoteness
Of the one who seeks refuge, or the mountain goat,

٥. فَاِسلُ عَنهُم بِأَمونٍ كَالوَأى ال
جَأبِ ذي العانَةِ أَو تَيسِ الرِمالِ

6. We led our horses from the pastures
In the stables, examples of thoroughbreds,

٦. نَحنُ قُدنا مِن أَهاضِيبِ المَلا ال
خَيلَ في الأَرسانِ أَمثالَ السَعالي

7. Roaming from an unknown land
And wandering through plains and mountains,

٧. شُزَّباً يَغشَينَ مِن مَجهولَةِ ال
أَرضِ وَعثاً مِن سُهولٍ وَجِبالِ

8. So we encountered Al-Harith the lame in
An army like the night, lowering the highlands,

٨. فَاِنتَجَعنا الحارِثَ الأَعرَجَ في
جَحفَلٍ كَاللَيلِ خَطّارِ العَوالي

9. The day we left the enemy in Al-Qana
Subdued, sprawled in the arena,

٩. يَومَ غادَرنا عَدِيّاً بِالقَنا ال
ذُبَّلِ السُمرِ صَريعاً في المَجالِ

10. Then we drove them insistently like wood
Approaching the watering place, wherever it flows,

١٠. ثُمَّ عُجناهُنَّ خوصاً كَالقَطا ال
قارِبِ المَنهَلَ مِن أَينِ الكَلالِ

11. Towards a hill the day the horses encircled it
Pressing from the right and left,

١١. نَحوَ قُرصٍ يَومَ جالَت حَولَهُ ال
خَيلُ قُبّاً عَن يَمينٍ وَشِمالِ

12. How many a chief who sends his thousand ahead
Of the most generous, the long-striding swimmer,

١٢. كَم رَئيسٍ يَقدُمُ الأَلفَ عَلى ال
أَجوَدِ السابِحِ ذي العَقبِ الطُوالِ

13. Our white and brown swords made lawful to seize their group,
And we have an abode which we inherited its glory

١٣. قَد أَباحَت جَمعَهُ أَسيافُنا ال
بيضُ وَالسُمرُ وَمِن حَيٍّ حِلالِ

14. From ancestors, the oldest ancestry, from an uncle and maternal uncle,
A house which our forefathers inhabited,

١٤. وَلَنا دارٌ وَرِثنا عِزَّها ال
أَقدَمَ القُدموسَ عَن عَمٍّ وَخالِ

15. The ones who bequeathed us glory in the first nights,
In it we have no castles other than

١٥. مَنزِلٌ دَمَّنَهُ آباؤُنا ال
مورِثونا المَجدَ في أولى اللَيالِ

16. The neighbouring bare hills, stormed by men,
In the hollows of Udhaymuli, lofty of

١٦. ما لَنا فيها حُصونٌ غَيرُ ما ال
مُقرَباتِ الجُردِ تَردي بِالرِجالِ

17. Nose, in it the inheritance of glory and beauty,
So we followed the ruin of our first ones,

١٧. في رَوابي عُدمُلِيٍّ شامِخِ ال
أَنفِ فيهِ إِرثُ مَجدٍ وَجَمالِ

18. Kindlers of war, and fulfilling promises,

١٨. فَاِتَّبَعنا ذاتَ أولانا الأَذولى ال
موقِدي الحَربِ وَموفي بِالحِبالِ