
For whom are ruins that misdeeds have not desisted from,

لمن طلل لم يعف منه المذانب

1. For whom are ruins that misdeeds have not desisted from,
So keep away, ink-filled pens have dried out and gifts ceased.

١. لِمَن طَلَلٌ لَم يَعفُ مِنهُ المَذانِبُ
فَجَنبا حِبِرٍّ قَد تَعَفّى فَواهِبُ

2. The dwellings of Bani Sa'd ibn Tha'labah aforetime
Through which time broadcast against people afflictions.

٢. دِيارُ بَني سَعدِ بنِ ثَعلَبَةَ الأولى
أَذاعَ بِهِم دَهرٌ عَلى الناسِ رائِبُ

3. Thus it destroyed them as it destroyed people before them,
The onslaughts of wars and deaths with their conclusions.

٣. فَأَذهَبَهُم ما أَذهَبَ الناسَ قَبلَهُم
ضِراسُ الحُروبِ وَالمَنايا العَواقِبُ

4. Indeed, how many living persons have we seen there,
For them were predecessors whose tracks are effaced.

٤. أَلا رُبَّ حَيٍّ قَد رَأَينا هُنالِكُم
لَهُم سَلَفٌ تَزوَرُّ مِنهُ المَقانِبُ

5. So turn to what your property suffices you; verily
You have burdened yourself with things that will not last.

٥. فَأَقبِل عَلى أَفواقِ مالَكَ إِنَّما
تَكَلَّفتَ مِل أَشياءِ ما هُوَ ذاهِبُ