
My eyes, beware, as long as I have not said beware

أعيني مهلا طالما لم أقل مهلا

1. My eyes, beware, as long as I have not said beware,
And not extravagantly have I now said, nor in ignorance,

١. أعينَيَّ مَهلاً طالما لم أَقُل مَهلا
وما سَرَفاً مِ الآنَ قلتُ ولا جَهلا

2. And that the folly of a forty year old is stupidity,
So how could it be with those I was an example to,

٢. وإنّ صِبا ابنِ الأربعينَ سفاهةٌ
فكيف مع اللائي مُثِلتُ بها مَثلا

3. Clinging to the Holy House, and maybe,
You saw the eyes of the people looking from it confused,

٣. عواكِفَ بالبيتِ الحرامِ ورُبَّما
رأيتَ عيونَ القوم من نحوها نُجلا

4. The jurist tells me while they are one evening,
In Mecca dragging the sedan chair,

٤. يقولُ لي المفتي وهُنَّ عَشيَّةً
بمكَةَ يَسحَبنَ المهَدَّبَةَ السُّحلا

5. Fear Allah, do not look at them O youth,
And I did not make the pilgrimage looking for a connection,

٥. تَقِ اللهَ لا تنظر إِليهنَّ يا فتى
وما خِلتُني في الحجِ مُلتَمِساً وَصلا

6. By Allah, I do not forget even if the days pass,
Their bare shins and the eyes of the confused,

٦. وواللهِ لا أَنسى وإن شَطَّت النَّوى
عرانينَهُنَّ الشُّمَّ والأعينَ النُّجلا

7. Nor the musk from their plaits, nor the scent,
Bangles in their wrists like split reeds,

٧. ولا المِسكَ من اعرافِهِنَّ ولا البُرى
جواعِلَ في أوساطِها قَصَباً خَدلا

8. My friend if not for Allah I would not have said welcome,
To the first strands of white hair that appeared nor seasons greetings,

٨. خليليَّ لولا اللهُ ما قلتُ مَرحَبا
لأوَّلِ شَيباتٍ طَلَعنَ ولا أَهلا

9. My friend greying hair is an illness I hated,
So how good is the pasture and how ugly the resting place,

٩. خليلَيَّ إنّ الشيبَ داءٌ كَرِهتُهُ
فما أحسنَ المرعى وما أَقبَحَ المحلا

10. And of the strangest things in life to me is a bottle,
That keeps the hands of the intoxicated stretched out slack,

١٠. ومن أعجب الدنيا إِليَّ زُجاجةٌ
تَظَلُّ أيادي المنتشِينَ بها فُتلا

11. They pour into it from vineyards wine,
The youth leaves it as if drunk and crazy,

١١. يَصُبّونَ فيها من كُرومٍ سُلافةً
يروحُ الفتى عنها كأنّ به خَبلا