
We left at Nashash some of the tribe of Bakr bin Wa'il

تركنا على النشاش بكر بن وائل

1. We left at Nashash some of the tribe of Bakr bin Wa'il
Where swords had been unsheathed and blades had flashed

١. تركنا على النَّشَّاشِ بكرَ بنَ وائلٍ
وقد نهِلَت منها السيوفُ وعَلَّتِ

2. And at the regular torrent-beds were men slain when
The wild beasts of prey spent the night there and prowled

٢. وبالفَلَج العادي قتلى إذا التقت
عليها ضباعُ الغيلِ باتت وظَلَّتِ

3. So we said: At Nashash we have a brave band
High-minded: and we named it The Base and it recoiled

٣. فقلنا على النَّشَّاش منا عصابةٌ
كراماً وسمناها الهوانَ فذلَّتِ

4. When the cowardly beasts take to flight from them
Prosperity grows in their thickets and they have halted

٤. إِذا ما الضباعُ الجِلَّةُ انتجعتهُمُ
نما النِّيُّ في أصلائها فاتمَهَلَّتِ