1. Do not weep, O Sarra of the Banu Qushayr,
For its elders and for its young men,
١. ألا تبكي سَراةُ بني قُشَيرٍ
على صِندِيدِها وعلى فَتاها
2. For if Yazid is killed, he has killed us -
Their noblemen, gray-haired, with their beards.
٢. فإن يُقتَل يزيدُ فقد قَتَلنا
سرانَهُمُ الكهول على لحاها
3. O Abu Makhshouh, after you who will defend us
And who will lead the horses at the charge?
٣. أبا المكشوحِ بَعدَكَ مَن يُحامي
ومَن يُزجي المطيَّ على وَجَاها