
Who is he who has found rest for his thoughts

من ذا الذي قد نال راحة فكره

1. Who is he who has found rest for his thoughts
In his life, in hardship or in ease?

١. منْ ذَا الذِي قَدْ نالَ رَاحةَ فِكرهِ
 فِي عُمره مِنْ عُسْره أو يُسْرهِ ؟

2. The wealthy man finds, to keep what he gathered,
Many times what the poor man finds in his poverty.

٢. يلقَى الغَنِيُّ لحفظه ما قد حَوى
 أضْعَافَ ما يَلقى الفقيرُ لفقرهِ

3. So this one remains discontent in his stinginess,
And this one remains fearful in his riches.

٣. فَيظلُّ هذا سَاخطاً في قله
 ويظلُّ هذا ثاعباً في كثـرهِ

4. Jinn are to humans as destiny's rule
Makes sweet or bitter for them.

٤. والجنُّ مثلُ الإنس يَجري فِيهمُ
 حُكْم القَضاء بِحُلوه وبمُره

5. So if an ascetic comes to snatch an instant,
The shooting star comes with its burning and rebuke.

٥. فإذَا المَريدُ أتى ليَخطفَ خَطفةً
 جاءَ الشِّهابُ بحَرْقِه وبزجْرهِ

6. An honest prophet remains forever called a liar,
Pelted with the falsehood and sorcery of their words.

٦. وَنبيُّ صِدقٍ لا يَزالُ مُكذَّبًا
يُرمَى بباطلِ قولِهم وبِسحرهِ

7. The scholar issuing legal opinions remains disputed
By problematic cases in gatherings where he is mentioned.

٧. والعالِمُ المُفتي يَظلُّ مُنَازعاً
بالمشكلاتِ لدى مَجالسِ ذِكرهِ

8. So woe if the tongue slips and none
Is seen to help establish his excuse.

٨. فَالويلُ إنْ زلَّ اللسانُ فَلا يُرى
 أَحدٌ يُساعِدُ في إقامةِ عُذرهِ

9. Do you not see the mighty king with his armies
Held hostage to worries despite his glorious might?

٩. أوَ مَا ترى المَلكَ العزيزَ بجُنده
رَهنَ الهُمومِ على جَلالة قَدرهِ

10. Good news delights him, but on its heels
comes news that squeezes his palace walls.

١٠. فيَسرُّهُ خبرٌ وفي أعقابِه
خبرٌ تَضيقُ به جوانبُ قصرهِ

11. The sultan's supporters are people of fears,
Though he controls them utterly by his might and coercion.

١١. ومُؤَازرُ السلطانِ أهلُ مَخاوف
 وإن استبد بعزه وبقهرهِ

12. So sometimes he trips and cannot match
What his claws had seized in the first place.

١٢. فلربما زلتْ به قدم فلم
يرجع يساوي في قلامة ظفرهِ

13. The devotee's lifetime is worried;
He wants release from the fears of his grave.

١٣. وأخو العبادةِ دهرُه مُتنغصٌ
يَبغي التخلصَ من مخاوفِ قبرهِ

14. The trader wanders anxious and thoughtful
Of what he faces in the loss of his goods' value.

١٤. وأخو التِّجارةِ حائرٌ مُتفكرٌ
مما يُلاقِي من خسارةِ سعرهِ

15. The father of a household owns its worries, while
A childless man's regret nests in his breast.

١٥. وأبو العيالِ أبُو الهمومِ، وحَسرةُ الـ
ـرجل العقيمِ كمينةٌ في صدرهِ

16. And every companion envies his companion,
In wealth or poverty, with hidden spite and hatred.

١٦. وكل قرين مضمر لقرينه
حسداً وحقداً في غناه وفقرهِ

17. And perhaps one who longs for restful sleep
Sees disturbing dreams that addle his mind.

١٧. ولرب طالبِ راحةٍ في نومه
جاءتْه أحلامٌ فهام بأمرهِ

18. The child emerges from its mother's womb
To screams of weaning that terrify its infancy.

١٨. والطفل من بطن أمه يخرجُ
غُصصُ الفِطام تروعه في صغرهِ

19. The wild creature meets harm out on the range,
While the whale meets its end in the sea.

١٩. والوحشُ يأتيه الردى فِي بَره
والحوتُ يلقَى حَتفه في بَحرهِ

20. Perhaps predators will come to a corpse
And drag it from the depths of its grave.

٢٠. ولربما تأتِي السباعُ لميتٍ
فاستخرجته من قرارة قبره

21. I envied birds in their nests
But found among them what earns them trouble at dawn.

٢١. ولقدْ حسدتُ الطيرَ في أَوكارها
فَوجدتُ منها ما يُصادُ بوكرهِ

22. How to enjoy life in an existence
That remains fearful and oppressed?

٢٢. كيفَ التلذذُ في الحياةِ بعَيْشَةٍ
مَا زالَ وهو مروع في أسرهِ ؟

23. By God, if a lad lived with his family
A thousand years with his affairs under control,

٢٣. تاللهِ لو عاشَ الفتى في أهلهِ
ألفاً من الأعوامِ مالكَ أمرهِ

24. Delighting with them in every delight,
At ease with life the span of his days,

٢٤. متلذذاً معهمْ بكل لذيذةٍ
متنعماً بالعيشِ مدةَ عُمرهِ

25. No loss affecting his fortunes
Or worries occupying his thoughts,

٢٥. لا يعتريه النقصُ في أحواله
كُلاًّ ولا تَجري الهموم بفكرهِ

26. All that would not suffice
To counter one night spent lying in his grave!

٢٦. ما كان ذلك كلُّه مما يفي
بنزولِ أَوَّلِ ليلةِ في قبرهِ

27. My brother, how does one escape what you see?
Patience with the sweet and bitter in destiny!

٢٧. كَيْفَ التخلصُ يا أخِي مِما تَرى؟
صبراً على حُلو القضاءِ ومرهِ !