1. You claimed that we are submissive to you
Yet boasting is mixed with immorality
١. دَعَيتُم أَنَّنا لَكُمُ قَطينٌ
وَقَولُ الفَخرِ يَخلِطُهُ الفُجورُ
2. You acted not knowing the truth
Rather we are a mill that grinds you
٢. جَرَيتُم لَيسَ ذالِكُمُ كَذاكُم
وَلَكِنّا رَحىً بِكُمُ تَدورُ
3. Had your groups desired my country
Our leverage would have spun around
٣. وَلَو رامَت جموعُكُمُ بِلادي
إِذَن كَرَّت رَحانا تَستَديرُ
4. We had inspired you with a sacred fervor
Yet there the lieutenants did not escape
٤. فَلَلنا حَرَّكُم بِلَوى قَديسٍ
وَلَم تَسلَمَ هُنالِكَ بَهرَسيرُ
5. I opened the dam by the will of my Lord
And that prepared me for such matters
٥. فَتَحتُ البَهرَسيرَ بِإِذنِ رَبّي
وَأَعدَتني عَلى ذاكَ الأُمورُ
6. They clenched their teeth trying to destroy us
With flimsy shields they attacked
٦. وَقَد عَضّوا الشِفاهَ لِيُهلِكونا
وَدونَ القَومِ مِهراءٌ جَرورُ
7. They flew off angrily with a roar
To a house with no defender
٧. وَطاروا قِضَّةً وَلَهُم زَئيرٌ
إِلى دارٍ وَلَيسَ بِها نَصيرُ