
The world lies heavy on heart and mind

أمامك الدنيا

1. The world lies heavy on heart and mind
My soul, be gentle, my eyes, slow down

١. أمامك الدنيا ترهق القلب والعقلا
 فيا خاطري رفقًا وناظري مهلا

2. The reformers are confused by it and it has defeated
The eminent philosopher and the master poet

٢. تحير فيها المصلحون وأعجزت
 نهى الفيلسوف الفذ والشاعر الفحلا

3. Its talismans weary the intellect, so it bows down
Submissively to it, no matter how haughty it becomes

٣. طلاسم تعيي الفكر فهمًا فينحني
 خضوعا لها مهما تكبر واستعلى

4. Man lives in it as a child, and though
It seems to his eyes he's grown old, he leaves it a child

٤. يعيش بها الإنسان طفلًا وإن بدا
 لعينيه كهلًا ثم يتركها طفلا

5. To His saying: Find solace in the heat of faith, accept what
God has ordained, know that His wisdom is supreme

٥. إلى قوله:ولذ بحِمَى الإيمان وارض بما قضى
 به الله واعلم أن حكمته أعلى

6. So religion has virtue in life, for without guidance
It becomes a hell - for this we pray

٦. فللدين فضل في الحياة لأنها
 بغير الهدى تغدو جحيمًا به نصلى

7. Trust that He who gave life its beauty
And its sustenance did not neglect the worm or the ant

٧. وثق أن من أعطى الحياة جمالها
 وأقواتها لم يهمل الدود والنملا