
My heart asks what has made you so confused

ما أجملك

1. My heart asks what has made you so confused
Why don't you allow me to ask you

١. يُسائِلُني القلبُ ما أذهلكْ
فهلاّ أذِنْتَ بأن أسألكْ

2. On your cheeks is the redness of roses
Tell me, by your Lord, who has kissed you

٢. على وجنتيكَ احمرارُ الورودِ
فقُلْ لي بِرَبّكَ من قَبّلكْ

3. And who has poured the night into your eyes
And who is it that has beautified you so for the people

٣. ومن سكبَ الليلَ في مُقلتيكَ
ومن ذا على الناس ِقد جَمّلكْ

4. For God does with His creation as He wills
And by God, your beauty is so lovely

٤. فللّهِ في خَلقِهِ ما يُريدُ
ولِله ِدَرُّكَ ما أجْملَكْ