
By your father's life, he will not depart from us

لعمر أبيك لا ينفك منا

1. By your father's life, he will not depart from us
A trusted brother, with whom one can live secure

١. لَعَمرُ أَبيكَ لا يَنفَكُّ مِنّا
أَخو ثِقَةٍ يَعاشُ بِهِ مَتينُ

2. Beneficial, deadly, and a stubborn foe's discomfiture
On the scales, of weighty consequence

٢. مُفيدٌ مُهلِكٌ وَلِزازُ خَصمٍ
عَلى الميزانِ ذو زِنَةٍ رَزينُ

3. He excels all things in nobility
And extras, while some of the people fall short

٣. يَزيدُ نَبالَةً عَن كُلِّ شَيءٍ
وَنافِلَةً وَبَعضُ القَومِ دونُ