
God is your protector, O my hearing and sight

الله جارك يا سمعي ويا بصري

1. God is your protector, O my hearing and sight
From the eyes that glance at you

١. اللَهُ جارُكَ يا سمعي ويا بصري
من العيونِ التي ترميكَ بالنظرِ

2. And from the softness of your cheeks that have
No meaning, yet are marked by sun and moon

٢. ومن نفاسةِ خديكَ اللذينِ لكَ ال
مَعنى وقد وُسِما بالشمسِ والقَمرِ

3. So your beauty - none has gained by its goodness
And your ideas - none has escaped its danger

٣. فحاسناكَ فَما فازا بحُسنِهما
وخاطَراكَ فما فاتاكَ بالخَطَرِ

4. If there was in you an excuse from reproachers
Among people, then I have no excuse

٤. مَن كانَ فيكَ من العُذالِ معتَذِراً
من الأنامِ فإنِّي غيرُ معتذِرِ