
The morning recedes until I can scarcely hope

تباعد الصبح حتى ما أؤمله

1. The morning recedes until I can scarcely hope
And my worries increase, so nothing is left to expect

١. تباعدَ الصُّبحُ حتَّى ما أؤملُهُ
وازدادَ هَمّ فما يُرجَى تَرحلُهُ

2. The night lingers over us, unwilling to part
As though every moment of it is its first

٢. والليلُ وَقفٌ عَلينا لا يُفارقُنا
كأنَّما كلُّ وقتٍ منهُ أوّلُهُ