
Let me not obey the tormentors, for that is not my faith

دعني فما طاعة العذال من ديني

1. Let me not obey the tormentors, for that is not my faith
There is no peace of heart in this world, like one spellbound

١. دَعني فَما طاعَة العذالِ من ديني
ما سالمُ القلبِ في الدنيا كَمَفتونِ

2. I know I am mad with love for you
And with you I have no excuse of madmen

٢. أيقَنتُ أنِّي مَجنونٌ بِحبِّكم
وليسَ لي عندَكُم عذرُ المَجانينِ

3. One with a tuft has composed on the ivory of his brow
Of his hair black rings like ostriches

٣. ذو طرَّةٍ نظمت في عاجِ جبهتهِ
من شَعرهِ حلقا سودَ الزرافينِ

4. As if the line of a revealer above his cheek
Is a race-course of calamity upon roses and eglantine

٤. كأنَّ خطَّ عذارٍ فوقَ عارِضه
مَيدانُ آسٍ على وردٍ ونَسرينِ