1. Who guided you to the Unique One
O you who are beautiful, congratulations
١. على البَديعِ الفَردِ مَن دَلَّكا
يا أَيُّها الحسنُ هَنيئاً لكا
2. For what I was uniquely granted from Him
From what I saw in you, no one else possessed
٢. لما تفردتُ به مَلني
مِما رَأى فيكَ فَما ملكا
3. I am here if you become His servant
With a heart that turned to be your servant
٣. لبيكَ إن أصبحتَ عبداً له
أقبل فؤاداً صارَ عبداً لكا
4. O you who my heart loves, he has a lover
May God make me permissible, and not you
٤. يا عاشِقاً قَلبي لَه عاشِقٌ
أحلَّني اللَه ولا حلَّكا