
You made me drink the bitterness of reproach

جرعتني غصص العتاب

1. You made me drink the bitterness of reproach
And you punished me to the point of affliction

١. جرَّعتني غصصَ العتابِ
وجُزتَ بي حدَّ التصابي

2. And you clothed my branch with estrangement
So my youth faded

٢. وكسوت غصني بالجفا
ء ضني فخف على شبابي

3. And you made me taste the heat of passion
And you deprived me of the coolness of reward

٣. وأذقتني حرَّ الهوى
ومنعتني بردَ الثوابِ

4. And you denied me what I had hoped
For from your torment

٤. وحرمتني ما كنت آمُ
لُ من ثناياكَ العذابِ

5. And you left me confused
And delighted, brought low by what is in me

٥. وتركتني متحيراً
متلذذاً دنفاً لما بي

6. O you who are unique in beauty
Created from glorious light

٦. يا واحداً في الحسن مخ
لوقاً من النور اللبابِ

7. I have written with my honor
What is in my heart in a book

٧. إني كتبتُ بعزتي
ما في فؤادي في كتابِ

8. So understand the meanings of my tears
And make what I hope for your answer

٨. فافهم معاني الدمع واج
عَل ما أؤملُهُ جوابي