1. O my solace, for you O my eyes from staying up late
And O my heart from sorrows and thoughts
١. يا رَحمتي لك يا طرفي من السهرِ
ويا فؤادي من الأحزانِ والفِكَرِ
2. And my solace is from what has befallen me through you
As if you were two supporters against fate
٢. ورحمتي هي مما نالني بكما
كأنما كُنتما عونينِ للقدَرِ
3. O eyes that have conquered my heart, the best of mankind
Surpassing the light of the sun and the moon in brightness
٣. يا عينُ ملكتِ قلبي أحسنَ البَشرِ
من فاقَ بالنورِ نورَ الشمسِ والقَمَرِ
4. I have reaped good and evil so be patient with both
You did not take precautions though taking precautions helps
٤. جنيتُ خيراً وشراً فاصبرا لهما
لم تحذرا ولقد يؤتى من الحذَرِ