
If you had mercy on the one you came to possess

لو كنت ترحم من أصبحت تملكه

1. If you had mercy on the one you came to possess
You would have made death, which was about to overtake him, repeat itself

١. لو كنت ترحمُ من أصبحتَ تملكُهُ
لكنتَ أرددتَ موتاً كادَ يُدركهُ

2. O you who is beautiful but still human
Nothing in the essence of light rivals him

٢. يا من هو الحسنُ إلا أنهُ بشر
لا شيء في جوهرِ الأنوارِ يشركهُ

3. Ask longingly, connected by the length of illness
You make him your amusement and your jester

٣. سل مستهاماً بطولِ السقمِ متصلاً
متيماً أنتَ مبليهِ ومضحكُهُ

4. The repetition of remembering you entertains and expends him
He holds on to the hem due only to some hope he has in you

٤. ترداد ذكركَ يغنيه وَيبذله
للحَتفِ لَولا رجاءٌ منكَ يمسكُهُ