1. O you whose cheeks are adorned with roses
What if I were to gain your affection
١. يا من حكَت وجنتُهُ الوردا
ما كان لو أصفيتني الودا
2. It would befit the Master, now that He owns me
That He have mercy on His servant
٢. يحسن بالمولى وقد مُلكت
كفاه ألا يرحمَ العبدا
3. You seek to repel me and those close to me
As if to mock my love for you
٣. ترغب في الصدِّ وفي أهلهِ
كأنما تستظرفُ الصدا
4. May Allah not disappoint a spurned young man
Nor reddened eyelids wet with tears
٤. لا خيبَ الله فتىً مدنفاً
ولا جفوناً قرِّحت وجدا