
You see me desiring you - no, by Him

تراني سلوتك لا والذي

1. You see me desiring you - no, by Him
Who has raised you! - while I live faithful.

١. تراني سلوتكَ لا والذي
يرقيكَ ما عِشتَ لي واصلا

2. Do I not have witnesses of my passion
Who show you truly a wasted body?

٢. أما ليَ من عَبرتي شاهدٌ
يريكَ بلى بدناً ناحلا

3. And from sorrow for you I have left
The thorn-bushes occupied with my sighs.

٣. ومن حَسرةٍ تركت لِلحشا
بزَفرَتِها شُغلاً شاغِلا

4. Do you not know my state? Yet I think
Your repulses of me are deadly.

٤. أتجهلُ ما بي ولكنَّني
أظنُّ صدودَكَ لي قاتِلا