
Tell the one who is blamed

قل لمن ناله ملامه

1. Tell the one who is blamed
And yearned until his sickness appeared

١. قل لمَن نَاله ملامه
واشتاقَ حتَّى بَدا سَقامُه

2. So the blame of his critics lasted
When they saw he does not care for their blame

٢. فطالَ من عاذليهِ لما
رَأوهُ لا يَرعَوي ملامُه

3. O beautiful face, taste patience
For he has not fulfilled his love for you

٣. يا حَسنَ الوَجهِ ذُق ذِماماً
لم يقضَ من حبِّكم حِمامُه

4. O you who shot me with your glances
But your arrows did not pierce when you shot them

٤. يا مَن رَماني بمقلتيهِ
فلم يطِش إذ رَمى سِهامُه