1. O rising sun, you have filled the horizons,
So I gaze at them without blinking.
١. يا مُشرِقاً مَلأَ العيو
نَ فَلحظُها ما يستقلُّ
2. More faithful than the morning sun,
As if the sun itself were but a shadow.
٢. أَوفى عَلى شَمسِ الضُّحى
حتَّى كأنَّ الشمسَ ظِلُّ
3. O adornment of the world, he who
Rules all people is so fickle.
٣. يا زينةَ الدُّنيا ومن
مُلكُ الأنامِ لهُ يَقلُّ
4. Do not kill me with disdain,
For surely my murder would not be lawful.
٤. لا تقتلنِّي بالجَفاء
فإنَّ قَتلي لا يَحلُّ