
By the one whose beauty still

بأبي من لا يزال الحسن

1. By the one whose beauty still
Remains attributed to him

١. بأبي مَن لا يزالُ ال
حُسنُ مَنسوباً إليهِ

2. By whom all beauty shines
Bright on his cheeks

٢. والذي كلُّ بديعٍ
مُشرقٌ في وجنتيهِ

3. Where, oh where can the lover find
Salvation from his hands?

٣. أينَ لا أينَ خلاصٌ
لِمُحبٍّ من يَديهِ

4. How can the owned expect
His owner to show him mercy?

٤. كيفَ لِلمملوكِ أن يَع
طفَ مَولاهُ عليهِ