1. I did not fear one with whom I confide
a secret, nor did I feel compelled to caution.
١. ما كنتُ أخشى ممَّن أسرُّ به
خلفاً ولا اضطرني إلى الحذرِ
2. Should one who has not seen you live in hope?
My soul is sated of company and of sight.
٢. أيأملُ من لم يَراك تعش
نفسي من الاجتماعِ والنظر
3. Yearning has secured fidelity for me
from the keeper of my troth, a secret of fate.
٣. قد ضَمِنَ الشوقُ لي الوفاءَ على
حافظِ عهدي سراً من القدرِ
4. So rain has come between him and me-
May God avenge me upon the rain!
٤. فحالَ بيني وبينَهُ مطرٌ
ينتقِمُ اللَه لي من المَطَرِ