1. The heart is gloomy, lengthy is its sigh
Little is its solace, abundant its anguish
١. كئيبُ الفؤادِ طويلُ الدنَف
قليلُ العزاء كثيرُ الأسَف
2. It repeats in its glance its teardrop
So it confided the secret of what had passed
٢. يُردّدُ في طرفهِ دَمعَه
فباحَ بكتمانِ ما قد سَلَف
3. And turned to the reproachers of passion
And its patience conceded so it confessed
٣. وَصرَّف للعاذلينَ الهَوى
وأسلمهُ صبرُهُ فاعترَف
4. And it fled to God from confusion
If He willed, from its lovers it gained vengeance
٤. وفر إلى اللَهِ من حَيرةٍ
إذا شاءَ من عاشقيه انتصَف