1. Her eye, with the kohl of its tears,
Is kept awake by endless cares,
١. عينٌ بها من دَمعهِا كُحلُ
يَكفَحُها عن نومِها شُغلُ
2. Its sorrows made lovely through weeping,
As if its tears were beauty's wares.
٢. أنِسَت مآقيها بعبرتِها
فكأنَّ عبرتها لها شكلُ
3. It weeps for a heart hurt with yearning
Prolonged, and the meeting it forswears.
٣. تبكي على قلبٍ أضرَّ بهِ
طولُ الهوى وبيانُهُ الوَصلُ
4. Scorched by a fire smouldering, lurking,
Between the ribs, like burning coals.
٤. مستشعرٍ حرقاً مخيّمةً
بين الضلوعِ كأنها النبلُ
5. Bewildered by longing for a fawn
Won by betrayal and distance and loss.
٥. حيرانَ من شوقٍ الي رشأ
يحظى به الإخلاف والمطلُ
6. It captured hearts with a glance that enchants,
A lovely houri, her look makes men thrall.
٦. ملكَ القلوبَ بطرفِ ساحرةٍ
حوراءَ صنعةُ لحظِها الخَبلُ
7. The moon, smitten, looks on as she passes,
A branch bowed down, as if shocked by a fall.
٧. يرنو بها قمرٌ تضمَّنهُ
غصنٌ ينوءُ ببعدهِ القَتلُ
8. No cure avails the love-maddened lover
If passion is sated or weary or faint.
٨. لَيست لِموجَعِ مغرمٍ دَنِفٍ
ما إِن يملُّ هوىً ولا يَسلو
9. You honoured me, gave me high hopes now fulfilled,
Your bounty has never been scant or stint.
٩. أكرمتَني وبسطتَ لي أملاً
لم ينأ عنه نوالكَ الجَزلُ
10. You favoured me, though we were strangers,
Cloudburst, and worthy of dew's beneficence.
١٠. وبررتني عن غيرِ معرفةٍ
سَلفت ومثلكَ للندَى أهلُ
11. The steed gallops on thanks to its sire,
The branch is as noble as that of the roots.
١١. يَجري الجوادُ لجودِ أوَّلهِ
والفَرعُ ليسَ يخونهُ الأصلُ
12. In Quraish I have a fresh spring arising,
A hill is its source, though it sprouts on the flat.
١٢. لي في قريشٍ نبعةٌ فرعَت
جبلاً ومغرسُ عودِها سَهلُ
13. O he who deserves every honour and favour,
Of word and deed the most lavish recipient!
١٣. يا مَن تليقُ المكرمات بهِ
وعليهِ يثني القولُ والفِعلُ
14. Bounty's his way, generosity his creed,
To his hands returns all bounty spent.
١٤. ومن السماحِ عقيدُ راحتهِ
وإلى يديهِ ينسبُ البذلُ
15. Son of the noblest sires of glory,
Last heir of prophets and apostles saint!
١٥. وابنُ الكرامِ الأكرمينَ بنا
وسميُّ من خُتِمَت به الرسلُ
16. No man is dead whom heirs like you follow,
The noble keep alive their line descent.
١٦. ما ماتَ من أصبحت وارثَهُ
أهلُ الندى يُحييهمُ النَّسلُ
17. You brought Moses and his people to life,
Won through them blessings and favours galore.
١٧. أحييتَ موسَى وَالذينَ بِهم
نيلَ النوالُ وأدركَ الذَّحلُ
18. True ancestors, matchless, unequalled,
And none can compare with you evermore!
١٨. آباءُ صدقٍ لم يكن لهُم
مثلٌ وما لكَ في الوَرى مِثلُ
19. You made their legacy live for all time,
They lived their days, but you live on and soar!
١٩. فعمرت تَخلفهم كما عَمروا
أبداً وجدكَ بعدهم يَعلو