1. In my heart there is a fire from your rejection
So save me with your promise from your threat
١. في القلب نارٌ من صدودِك
فأعذ بوعدكَ من وعيدِك
2. O The One perfect in His beauty
What have You intended for this lonely one?
٢. يا واحِداً في حُسنهِ
ماذا أردتَ إلى وحيدِك
3. Why have You not shown him affection?
Then what more can be hoped from You?
٣. ألا بذلتَ لهُ الوصا
لَ فما يؤملُ من مزيدِك
4. A moment's inattention befell him
From your eyes and the beauty of your cheek
٤. بفتورِ لحظٍ راعَهُ
من مقلتيكَ وحسنِ جيدِك