1. Does he who laments find compassion?
Does he who weeps find bliss?
١. أما راحِمٌ مَن شَكا
أما مُسعِدٌ مَن بكى
2. Is he just who is a ruler
If he oppresses whom he rules?
٢. أما حَكمٌ عادِلٌ
إذا جارَ من مُلِّكا
3. Do not, oh you who are wronged, blame yourself
You have done no wrong.
٣. أيا هاجِري ظالِماً
وليسَ بِحِلٍّ لكا
4. I wonder at my own tears
When in you I have known weeping.
٤. أتعجبُ من عَبرتي
وفيكَ عرفتُ البُكا
5. Oh, would that I were dead!
Would that the pain in me would cease!
٥. ألا لَيتَني ميِّتٌ
ويا ليتَ ما بي بِكا