1. He placed tears in the place of sorrow,
Alive with sighing, dead of eyelid.
١. وَضعَ الدُّموعَ مواضعَ الحُزنِ
حيُّ التَّسهُّدِ ميِّتُ الجَفنِ
2. His tears speak what his breast concealed,
His tongue only hinted.
٢. عبراتهُ تُنطِقُ ما ضمِّنت
أحشاؤُهُ ولسانُهُ يكني
3. In each of his organs is an eye
That weeps for a heart it has in pawn.
٣. في كلِّ جارحةٍ لهُ مُقلٌ
تبكي على قلبٍ لهُ رَهنِ
4. All that remains is the moment when
Fate surrenders him to the beautiful instant.
٤. لم يبقَ إلا حينَ أسلمَهُ
قدرٌ للحظةِ واحدِ الحُسنِ