
The work of the skilled is beautifully done

بديع الصنع من حسن بديع

1. The work of the skilled is beautifully done
Praiseworthy in nature, blameworthy in deed

١. بَديعُ الصنعِ من حُسنِ بَديع
حَميدُ الخَلقِ مَذموُم الصَّنيعِ

2. He denied his lover sleep
And tasked him with shedding tears

٢. نَفَى عن طرفِ عاشقهِ مَناماً
ووكلَهُ بإرسالِ الدُّموعِ

3. Above him was a bright moon
Bearing little resemblance, refusing to rise

٣. وَقدّ فوقَهُ قَمَرٌ منيرٌ
قَليلُ الشبهِ ممتنع الطلوعِ

4. A spring keeps him from all eyes
But his love remains in my chest

٤. تغيبهُ عن الأبصارِ عَينٌ
ولكن حبُّهُ بينَ الضُّلوعِ