1. O you to whom I complained of the beauty of his face
My closeness and my right that he be my intercessor
١. يا من شكوت إلى محاسنِ وجههِ
دنفي وحسبي أن يكونَ شَفيعاً
2. Have mercy, for you created the glory of my feelings
Yearning for you as you were created Excellent
٢. ارحَم فَقد أبدعتَ عِز جوانِحي
شَوقاً إليك كما خُلقتَ بديعا
3. Indeed my heart and body whom have become accustomed to love
If that continues they will both perish entirely
٣. إنَّ الفؤادَ وجسمَ من ألِفَ الهَوَى
إن دامَ ذاكَ سَيَهلكانِ جميعا
4. O you shining in your splendor and beauty
Increase me in imploring you and humility
٤. يا زاهياً ببهائه وجمالهِ
زِدني أزدكَ ضَراعةً وخُضوعا