
My mind grew weary trying to describe you

أتعب إدراك وصفك الوهما

1. My mind grew weary trying to describe you
When you were a light mingled with a body

١. أتعبَ إدراكَ وصفِكَ الوَهما
إذ كنتَ نوراً مُمازجاً جسما

2. Eyes beheld you and quickly turned away
For the moment they gazed was overwhelming

٢. تعاظَمتكَ العيونُ فأنصَرفَت
وكان إدراكُ لحظِها خيما

3. You impressed upon hearts what your beauty decreed
Yet passion did not make me logical

٣. فأنفذُت في القلوبِ ما حكَمَ ال
حسنُ ولم يعدني الهوى الحُكما

4. If not for my heart and its frail strength
I would say what you were and no blame therein

٤. لولا فُؤادِي وضعفُ قُوَّتهِ
لقلتُ ما كانَ أنت ما أثما