
A heart wept in the conscience of a captive

وقلب بكى في ضمير مرتهن

1. A heart wept in the conscience of a captive
Whose eyes delighted in tears concealed

١. قلبٌ بكى في ضَميرِ مرتهنِ
يسعدُ طرفاً بدمعِ مكتمِنِ

2. Both were tormented by what they reaped
So who would see two afflicted in one body?

٢. كِلاهُما عذبا بِما جَنيا
فَمن رأى مدنفين في بدنِ

3. Passion clothed them in tattered robes
Woven by sorrow's hand anew

٣. كساهما الوجدُ حلةً بليت
وهي جديدٌ من صنعة الحزنِ

4. All this - yearning for a beauty
That was not granted from its fair deeds

٤. وَكل هَذا شوقٌ إلى حسنٍ
لم يُرزقا من فَعالهِ الحسنِ