
His eyes wept with mercy for the body

بكت عينه رحمة للبدن

1. His eyes wept with mercy for the body
So crying took the place of cheekiness

١. بكت عينُهُ رحمةً للبَدَن
فعافَ البكاءَ مكانَ الوَسَن

2. And yearning dressed him in the garb of illness
Upon him, and he wore the clothes of sorrow

٢. وأكسبَهُ الشوقُ ثوبَ السقامِ
عليهِ ولبسَ ثيابِ الحَزَن

3. And he made his tears forget with tears
And he did not leave the secret until it was revealed

٣. وأنسَى مدامعَه بالدموعِ
ولم يدعِ السرَّ حتى علَن

4. So oh, how long his disobedience to grief lasted
Compared to his obedience to beauty

٤. فيا طولَ عِصيانِه للعَزا
ءِ من حُسنِ طاعتهِ للحَسَن