
The sun borrows its light from His light

الشمس تقبس نورها من نوره

1. The sun borrows its light from His light
And the moon relates it to the glory of its peer

١. الشمسُ تقبس نورُها من نورهِ
والبدرُ يَحكيهِ لعزِّ نظيرهِ

2. And from His cheeks it has a halo
That wanders lost in its musk and fragrance

٢. وله على خدّيهِ من أصداغه
حلق تتيه بمِسكه وعبيرهِ

3. O You who is perfect in all Your attributes
Join whom You have joined their moan with their sigh

٣. يا من تكاملَ في جميعِ خصالهِ
صل من وصلتَ أنينَهُ بزفيرهِ

4. Youth, when has secret love of what is in it
Ignited its tears to unveil its veils

٤. صَبا متَى اكتتَم الهَوى مِما بهِ
ولعَت مدامعُهُ بهَتكِ ستورهِ