
You were beautiful in my eyes, so there was no beauty

وحسنت في عيني فلا حسن

1. You were beautiful in my eyes, so there was no beauty
Except as though you were that beauty

١. وحسنتَ في عَيني فلا حسَنُ
إلا كأنكَ ذلك الحَسنُ

2. When my heart was folded around melancholy
One day, so your company was the melancholy

٢. لما انطَوى قَلبي على شجنٍ
يَوماً فكانَ سواءك الشجَنُ

3. Eyes wandered, so you were their destination
And through you, delights and temptations flourished

٣. رُعت العيونَ فكنتَ غايتَها
وزَهت بكَ اللذاتُ والفِتَن

4. And before conjectures about it
Your glances confused imaginations and discernment

٤. وتَحيرت قبل الظنونِ بها
لحظاتكَ الأوهامُ والفِطَنُ